Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/business_entities
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
Name |
string |
Status |
string |
Deleted |
boolean |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/coupons
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
Name |
string |
InvoiceName |
string |
DiscountType |
string |
DiscountPercentage |
decimal |
DiscountAmount |
long |
CurrencyCode |
string |
DurationType |
string |
ValidForm |
long |
WhenValidFrom |
datetime |
ValidTill |
long |
WhenValidTill |
datetime |
MaxRedemptions |
int |
Status |
string |
ApplyOn |
string |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
ArchivedAt |
long |
WhenArchivedAt |
datetime |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
Period |
int |
PeriodUnit |
string |
Redemptions |
int |
InvoiceNotes |
string |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/credit_notes
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
ReferenceInvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
Type |
string |
ReasonCode |
string |
Status |
string |
VatNumber |
string |
Date |
long |
WhenDate |
datetime |
PriceType |
string |
CountryCode |
string |
Total |
long |
AmountAllocated |
long |
AmountRefunded |
long |
AmountAvailable |
long |
RefundedAt |
long |
WhenRefundedAt |
datetime |
VoidedAt |
long |
WhenVoidedAt |
datetime |
GeneratedAt |
long |
WhenGeneratedAt |
datetime |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
Channel |
string |
SubTotal |
long |
SubTotalInLocalCurrency |
long |
TotalInLocalCurrency |
long |
LocalCurrencyCode |
string |
RoundOffAmount |
long |
FractionalCorrection |
long |
Deleted |
boolean |
TaxCategory |
string |
LocalCurrencyExchangeRate |
decimal |
CreateReasonCode |
string |
VatNumberPrefix |
string |
BusinessEntityID |
string |
BusinessEntity → ID
TaxOriginCountry |
string |
TaxOriginRegistrationNumber |
string |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/currencies
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
IsBaseCurrency |
boolean |
CurrencyCode |
string |
Enabled |
boolean |
ForexType |
string |
ManualExchangeRate |
string |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/customers
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Email |
string |
Phone |
string |
Company |
string |
VatNumber |
string |
AutoCollection |
string |
AutoCollectionEnabled |
boolean |
OfflinePaymentMethod |
string |
NetTermDays |
int |
VatNumberValidatedTime |
long |
WhenVatNumberValidatedTime |
datetime |
VatNumberStatus |
string |
AllowDirectDebit |
boolean |
IsLocationValid |
boolean |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
CreatedFromIp |
string |
Taxibility |
string |
EntityCode |
string |
ExemptNumber |
string |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
Locale |
string |
BillingDate |
int |
BillingMonth |
int |
BillingDateMode |
string |
BillingDayOfWeek |
string |
BillingDayOfWeekMode |
string |
PiiCleared |
string |
AutoCloseInvoices |
boolean |
Channel |
string |
ActiveID |
string |
Customer → ID
FraudFlag |
string |
PrimaryPaymentSourceID |
string |
PaymentSource → ID
BackupPaymentSourceID |
string |
PaymentSource → ID
InvoiceNotes |
string |
BusinessEntityID |
string |
BusinessEntity → ID
PreferredCurrencyCode |
string |
PromotionalCredits |
long |
UnbilledCharges |
long |
RefundableCredits |
long |
ExcessPayments |
long |
IsEinvoiceEnabled |
boolean |
EinvoicingMethod |
string |
Deleted |
boolean |
RegisteredForGst |
boolean |
ConsolidatedInvoicing |
boolean |
CustomerType |
string |
BusinessCustomerWithoutVatNumber |
boolean |
ClientProfileID |
string |
UseDefaultHierarchySettings |
boolean |
VatNumberPrefix |
string |
EntityIdentifierScheme |
string |
EntityIdentifierStandard |
string |
PaymentType |
string |
PaymentGateway |
string |
PaymentGatewayAccountID |
string |
PaymentStatus |
string |
PaymentReferenceID |
string |
ParentID |
string |
Customer → ID
PaymentOwnerID |
string |
Customer → ID
InvoiceOwnerID |
string |
Customer → ID
ParentAccountPortalEditChildSubscriptions |
string |
ParentAccountPortalDownloadChildInvoices |
string |
ParentAccountSendSubscriptionEmails |
boolean |
ParentAccountSendInvoiceEmails |
boolean |
ParentAccountSendPaymentEmails |
boolean |
ChildAccountPortalEditSubscriptions |
string |
ChildAccountPortalDownloadInvoices |
string |
ChildAccountSendSubscriptionEmails |
boolean |
ChildAccountSendInvoiceEmails |
boolean |
ChildAccountSendPaymentEmails |
boolean |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/invoices
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
PoNumber |
string |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
Recurring |
boolean |
Status |
string |
VatNumber |
string |
PriceType |
string |
Date |
long |
WhenDate |
datetime |
DueDate |
long |
WhenDueDate |
datetime |
NetTermDays |
int |
ExchangeRate |
decimal |
CurrencyCode |
string |
Total |
long |
AmountPaid |
long |
AmountAdjusted |
long |
WriteOffAmount |
long |
CreditsApplied |
long |
AmountDue |
long |
PaidAt |
long |
WhenPaidAt |
datetime |
DunningStatus |
string |
NextRetryAt |
long |
WhenNextRetryAt |
datetime |
VoidedAt |
long |
WhenVoidedAt |
datetime |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
SubTotal |
long |
SubTotalInLocalCurrency |
long |
TotalInLocalCurrency |
long |
LocalCurrencyCode |
string |
Tax |
long |
LocalCurrencyExchangeRate |
decimal |
FirstInvoice |
boolean |
NewSalesAmount |
long |
HasAdvanceCharges |
boolean |
TermFinalized |
boolean |
IsGifted |
boolean |
GeneratedAt |
long |
WhenGeneratedAt |
datetime |
ExpectedPaymentDate |
long |
WhenExpectedPaymentDate |
datetime |
AmountToCollect |
long |
RoundOfAmount |
long |
PaymentOwner |
string |
VoidReasonCode |
string |
Deleted |
boolean |
TaxCategory |
string |
VatPrefixNumber |
string |
Channel |
string |
BusinessEntityID |
string |
BusinessEntity → ID
TaxOriginCountry |
string |
RegistrationNumber |
string |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/items
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
Name |
string |
Description |
string |
ExternalName |
string |
Status |
string |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
ItemFamilyID |
string |
ItemFamily → ID
Type |
string |
IsShippable |
boolean |
IsGiftable |
boolean |
RedirectUrl |
string |
EnabledForCheckout |
boolean |
EnabledInPortal |
boolean |
IncludedInMrr |
boolean |
ItemApplicability |
string |
GiftClaimRedirectUrl |
string |
Unit |
string |
Metered |
boolean |
UsageCalculation |
string |
ArchivedAt |
long |
WhenArchivedAt |
datetime |
Channel |
string |
BusinessEntityID |
string |
BusinessEntity → ID
BundleConfigurationType |
string |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/item_families
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
Name |
string |
Description |
string |
Status |
string |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
Channel |
string |
BusinessEntityID |
string |
BusinessEntity → ID
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/item_prices
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
Name |
string |
Description |
string |
ItemFamilyID |
string |
ItemFamily → ID
ItemID |
string |
Item → ID
Status |
string |
ExternalName |
string |
PriceVariantID |
string |
ProrationType |
string |
PricingModel |
string |
Price |
long |
PriceInDecimal |
decimal |
Period |
int |
CurrencyCode |
string |
PeriodUnit |
string |
TrialPeriod |
int |
TrialPeriodUnit |
string |
TrialEndAction |
string |
ShippingPeriod |
int |
ShippingPeriodUnit |
string |
BillingCycles |
int |
FreeQuantity |
int |
FreeQuantityInDecimal |
decimal |
Channel |
string |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
UsageAccumulationResetFrequency |
string |
ArchivedAt |
long |
WhenArchivedAt |
datetime |
InvoiceNotes |
string |
IsTaxable |
boolean |
ItemType |
string |
ShowDescriptionInInvoices |
boolean |
ShowDescriptionInQuotes |
boolean |
BusinessEntityID |
string |
BusinessEntity → ID
TaxProfileID |
string |
AvalaraSaleType |
string |
AvalaraTransactionType |
int |
AvalaraServiceType |
int |
AvalaraTaxCode |
string |
HsnCode |
string |
TaxjarProductCode |
string |
Sku |
string |
AccountingCode |
string |
AccountingCategory1 |
string |
AccountingCategory2 |
string |
AccountingCategory3 |
string |
AccountingCategory4 |
string |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/orders
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
DocumentNumber |
string |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
Status |
string |
CancellationReason |
string |
PaymentStatus |
string |
OrderType |
string |
PriceType |
string |
ReferenceID |
string |
FulfullmentStatus |
string |
OrderDate |
long |
WhenOrderDate |
datetime |
ShippingDate |
long |
WhenShippingDate |
datetime |
Note |
string |
TrackingID |
string |
TrackingUrl |
string |
BatchID |
string |
CreatedBy |
string |
ShipmentCarrier |
string |
InvoiceRoundOffAmount |
long |
Tax |
long |
AmountPaid |
long |
AmountAdjusted |
long |
RefundableCreditsIssued |
long |
RefundableCredits |
long |
RoundingAdjustement |
long |
PaidOn |
long |
WhenPaidOn |
datetime |
ShippingCutOffDate |
long |
WhenShippingCutOffDate |
datetime |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
StatusUpdateAt |
long |
WhenStatusUpdateAt |
datetime |
DeliveredAt |
long |
WhenDeliveredAt |
datetime |
ShippedAt |
long |
WhenShippedAt |
datetime |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
CancelledAt |
long |
WhenCancelledAt |
datetime |
ResentStatus |
string |
IsResent |
boolean |
OriginalOrderID |
string |
Order → ID
Discount |
long |
SubTotal |
long |
Total |
long |
Deleted |
boolean |
CurrencyCode |
string |
IsGifted |
boolean |
GiftNote |
string |
GiftID |
string |
ResendReason |
string |
BusinessEntityID |
string |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/payment_sources
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
Type |
string |
ReferenceID |
string |
Status |
string |
Gateway |
string |
GatewayAccountID |
string |
IpAddress |
string |
IssuingCountry |
string |
Deleted |
boolean |
BusinessEntityID |
string |
BusinessEntity → ID
BoletoLast4 |
string |
BoletoFirstName |
string |
BoletoLastName |
string |
BoletoEmail |
string |
AmazonPaymentEmail |
string |
AmazonPaymentAgreementID |
string |
UpiVpa |
string |
PaypalEmail |
string |
PaypalAgreementID |
string |
VenmoUserName |
string |
KlarnaPayNowEmail |
string |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/subscriptions
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
CurrencyCode |
string |
StartDate |
long |
WhenStartDate |
datetime |
TrialEnd |
long |
WhenTrialEnd |
datetime |
TrialStart |
long |
WhenTrialStart |
datetime |
RemainingBillingCycles |
long |
PoNumber |
string |
PlanQuantityInDecimal |
decimal |
PlanUnitPriceInDecimal |
decimal |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
Status |
string |
TrialEndAction |
string |
CurrentTermStart |
long |
WhenCurrentTermStart |
datetime |
CurrentTermEnd |
long |
WhenCurrentTermEnd |
datetime |
NextBillingAt |
long |
WhenNextBillingAt |
datetime |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
StartedAt |
long |
WhenStartedAt |
datetime |
ActivatedAt |
long |
WhenActivatedAt |
datetime |
ContractTermBillingCycleOnRenewal |
long |
OverrideRelationship |
boolean |
PauseDate |
long |
WhenPauseDate |
datetime |
ResumeDate |
long |
WhenResumeDate |
datetime |
CancelledAt |
long |
WhenCancelledAt |
datetime |
CancelReason |
string |
CreatedFromIp |
string |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
HasScheduledAdvanceInvoices |
boolean |
HasScheduledChanges |
boolean |
PaymentSourceID |
string |
PaymentSource → ID
PlanFreeQuantityInDecimal |
decimal |
PlanAmountInDecimal |
decimal |
CancelScheduleCreatedAt |
long |
Channel |
string |
NetTermDays |
int |
ActiveID |
string |
Subscription → ID
DueInvoicesCount |
int |
DueSince |
long |
WhenDueSince |
datetime |
TotalDues |
long |
Mrr |
long |
ExchangeRate |
decimal |
BaseCurrencyCode |
string |
InvoiceNotes |
string |
Deleted |
boolean |
ChangesScheduledAt |
long |
WhenChangesScheduledAt |
datetime |
CancelReasonCode |
string |
FreePeriod |
long |
FreePeriodUnit |
string |
CreatePendingInvoices |
boolean |
AutoCloseInvoices |
boolean |
BusinessEntityID |
string |
BusinessEntity → ID
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/transactions
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
GatewayAccountID |
string |
PaymentSourceID |
string |
PaymentSource → ID
PaymentMethod |
string |
ReferenceNumber |
string |
Gateway |
string |
Type |
string |
Date |
long |
WhenDate |
datetime |
SettledAt |
long |
WhenSettledAt |
datetime |
ExchangeRate |
decimal |
CurrencyCode |
string |
Amount |
long |
IdAtGateway |
string |
Status |
string |
FraudFlag |
string |
InitiatorType |
string |
ThreeDSecure |
boolean |
AuthorizationReason |
string |
ErrorCode |
string |
ErrorText |
string |
VoidedAt |
long |
WhenVoidedAt |
datetime |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
FraudReason |
string |
CustomPaymentMethodID |
string |
AmountUnused |
long |
MaskedCardNumber |
string |
ReferenceTransactionID |
string |
Transaction → ID
RefundedTxnID |
string |
Transaction → ID
ReferenceAuthorizationID |
string |
Transaction → ID
AmountCapturable |
long |
ReversalTransactionID |
string |
Transaction → ID
Deleted |
boolean |
Iin |
string |
Last4 |
string |
MerchantReferenceID |
string |
BusinessEntityID |
string |
BusinessEntity → ID
PaymentMethodDetails |
string |
CustomPaymentMethodName |
string |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/unbilled_charges
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
Description |
string |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
DateFrom |
long |
WhenDateFrom |
datetime |
DateTo |
long |
WhenDateTo |
datetime |
UnitAmount |
long |
PricingModel |
string |
Quantity |
long |
CurrencyCode |
string |
DiscountAmount |
long |
EntityType |
string |
EntityID |
string |
ItemPriceID |
string |
ItemPrice → ID
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
LineItemID |
string |
InvoiceLineItem → ID
IsVoided |
boolean |
VoidedAt |
long |
WhenVoidedAt |
datetime |
UnitAmountInDecimal |
decimal |
QuantityInDecimal |
decimal |
AmountInDecimal |
decimal |
IsAdvanceCharge |
boolean |
BusinessEntityID |
string |
BusinessEntity → ID
Deleted |
boolean |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/usages
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
UsageDate |
long |
WhenUsageDate |
datetime |
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
ItemPriceID |
string |
ItemPrice → ID
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
LineItemID |
string |
InvoiceLineItem → ID
Quantity |
string |
Source |
string |
Note |
string |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CouponRemoteID |
string |
Coupon → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CouponID |
string |
Coupon → ID
Iterator |
int |
ItemType |
string |
Constraint |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CouponRemoteID |
string |
Coupon → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
CouponID |
string |
Coupon → ID
Value |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CouponRemoteID |
string |
Coupon → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CouponID |
string |
Coupon → ID
Iterator |
int |
ItemType |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CouponRemoteID |
string |
Coupon → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CouponID |
string |
Coupon → ID
Iterator |
int |
EntityType |
string |
Type |
string |
Value |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CreditNoteRemoteID |
string |
CreditNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
CreditNoteID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
ReferenceNumber |
string |
Status |
string |
Message |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CreditNoteRemoteID |
string |
CreditNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
Description |
string |
CreditNoteID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
DateFrom |
long |
WhenDateFrom |
datetime |
DateTo |
long |
WhenDateTo |
datetime |
UnitAmount |
long |
Quantity |
int |
Amount |
long |
PricingModel |
string |
IsTaxed |
boolean |
TaxAmount |
long |
TaxRate |
decimal |
UnitAmountInDecimal |
decimal |
QuantityInDecimal |
decimal |
AmountInDecimal |
decimal |
DiscountAmount |
long |
ItemLevelDiscoutAmount |
long |
ReferenceLineItemID |
string |
InvoiceLineItem → ID
EntityDescription |
string |
EntityType |
string |
TaxExemptReason |
string |
EntityID |
string |
ItemPrice → ID
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CreditNoteRemoteID |
string |
CreditNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Description |
string |
CreditNoteID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
Iterator |
int |
Amount |
long |
LineItemID |
string |
CreditNoteLineItem → ID
EntityType |
string |
DiscountType |
string |
EntityID |
string |
CouponID |
string |
Coupon → ID
DiscountID |
string |
SubscriptionDiscount → ID
CouponSetCode |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CreditNoteRemoteID |
string |
CreditNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CreditNoteID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
LineItemID |
string |
CreditNoteLineItem → ID
StartingUnit |
int |
EndingUnit |
int |
QuantityUsed |
int |
UnitAmount |
long |
StartingUnitInDecimal |
decimal |
EndingUnitInDecimal |
decimal |
QuantityUsedInDecimal |
decimal |
UnitAmountInDecimal |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CreditNoteRemoteID |
string |
CreditNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
Description |
string |
CreditNoteID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
Iterator |
int |
Amount |
long |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CreditNoteRemoteID |
string |
CreditNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CreditNoteID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
LineItemID |
string |
CreditNoteLineItem → ID
TaxName |
string |
TaxRate |
decimal |
DateTo |
long |
WhenDateTo |
datetime |
DateFrom |
long |
WhenDateFrom |
datetime |
ProratedTaxableAmount |
decimal |
IsPartialTaxApplied |
boolean |
IsNonComplianceTax |
boolean |
TaxableAmount |
long |
TaxAmount |
long |
TaxJurisType |
string |
TaxJurisName |
string |
TaxJurisCode |
string |
TaxAmountInLocalCurrency |
long |
LocalCurrencyCode |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CreditNoteRemoteID |
string |
CreditNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CreditNoteID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
TxnID |
string |
Transaction → ID
AppliedAmount |
long |
AppliedAt |
long |
WhenAppliedAt |
datetime |
TxnStatus |
string |
TxnDate |
long |
WhenTxnDate |
datetime |
TxnAmount |
long |
RefundReasonCode |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CreditNoteRemoteID |
string |
CreditNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CreditNoteID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
InvoiceID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
AllocatedAmount |
long |
AllocatedAt |
long |
WhenAllocatedAt |
datetime |
InvoiceDate |
long |
WhenInvoiceDate |
datetime |
InvoiceStatus |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CreditNoteRemoteID |
string |
CreditNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CreditNoteID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
Iterator |
int |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Email |
string |
Company |
string |
Phone |
string |
Line1 |
string |
Line2 |
string |
Line3 |
string |
City |
string |
StateCode |
string |
State |
string |
Country |
string |
Zip |
string |
ValidationStatus |
string |
Index |
int |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CreditNoteRemoteID |
string |
CreditNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CreditNoteID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
Iterator |
int |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Email |
string |
Company |
string |
Phone |
string |
Line1 |
string |
Line2 |
string |
Line3 |
string |
City |
string |
StateCode |
string |
State |
string |
Country |
string |
Zip |
string |
ValidationStatus |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CustomerRemoteID |
string |
Customer → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
Value |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CustomerRemoteID |
string |
Customer → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
Iterator |
int |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Email |
string |
Company |
string |
Phone |
string |
Line1 |
string |
Line2 |
string |
Line3 |
string |
City |
string |
StateCode |
string |
State |
string |
Country |
string |
Zip |
string |
ValidationStatus |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CustomerRemoteID |
string |
Customer → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
Iterator |
int |
ExternalCustomerID |
string |
ReferralSharingUrl |
string |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
ReferralCampaignID |
string |
ReferralAccountID |
string |
ReferralExternalCampaignID |
string |
ReferralSystem |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CustomerRemoteID |
string |
Customer → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Email |
string |
Phone |
string |
Label |
string |
Enabled |
boolean |
SendAccountEmail |
boolean |
SendBillingEmail |
boolean |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CustomerRemoteID |
string |
Customer → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
Iterator |
int |
PromotionalCredits |
long |
ExcessPayments |
long |
RefundableCredits |
long |
UnbilledCharges |
long |
CurrencyCode |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CustomerRemoteID |
string |
Customer → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
Value |
string |
Scheme |
string |
Standard |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CustomerRemoteID |
string |
Customer → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
Iterator |
int |
ProviderName |
string |
FieldID |
string |
FieldValue |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
Description |
string |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
DateFrom |
long |
WhenDateFrom |
datetime |
DateTo |
long |
WhenDateTo |
datetime |
UnitAmount |
long |
Quantity |
int |
Amount |
long |
PricingModel |
string |
IsTaxed |
boolean |
TaxAmount |
long |
TaxRate |
decimal |
UnitAmountInDecimal |
decimal |
QuantityInDecimal |
decimal |
AmountInDecimal |
decimal |
DiscountAmount |
long |
ItemLevelDiscountAmount |
long |
ReferenceLineItemID |
string |
InvoiceLineItem → ID
EntityDescription |
string |
EntityType |
string |
TaxExemptReason |
string |
EntityID |
string |
ItemPrice → ID
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Description |
string |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
Iterator |
int |
Amount |
long |
LineItemID |
string |
InvoiceLineItem → ID
EntityType |
string |
DiscountType |
string |
EntityID |
string |
CouponID |
string |
Coupon → ID
DiscountID |
string |
SubscriptionDiscount → ID
CouponSetCode |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
Iterator |
int |
LineItemID |
string |
InvoiceLineItem → ID
DiscountType |
string |
EntityID |
string |
DiscountID |
string |
SubscriptionDiscount → ID
CouponID |
string |
Coupon → ID
DiscountAmount |
long |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
Description |
string |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
Iterator |
int |
Amount |
long |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
LineItemID |
string |
InvoiceLineItem → ID
TaxName |
string |
TaxRate |
decimal |
DateTo |
long |
WhenDateTo |
datetime |
DateFrom |
long |
WhenDateFrom |
datetime |
ProratedTaxableAmount |
decimal |
IsPartialTaxApplied |
boolean |
IsNonComplianceTax |
boolean |
TaxableAmount |
long |
TaxAmount |
long |
TaxJurisType |
string |
TaxJurisName |
string |
TaxJurisCode |
string |
TaxAmountInLocalCurrency |
long |
LocalCurrencyCode |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
LineItemID |
string |
InvoiceLineItem → ID
StartingUnit |
int |
EndingUnit |
int |
QuantityUsed |
int |
UnitAmount |
long |
StartingUnitInDecimal |
decimal |
EndingUnitInDecimal |
decimal |
QuantityUsedInDecimal |
decimal |
UnitAmountInDecimal |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
TxnID |
string |
Transaction → ID
AppliedAmount |
long |
AppliedAt |
long |
WhenAppliedAt |
datetime |
TxnStatus |
string |
TxnDate |
long |
WhenTxnDate |
datetime |
TxnAmount |
long |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
Iterator |
int |
Attempt |
int |
TransactionID |
string |
Transaction → ID
DunningType |
string |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
TxnStatus |
string |
TxnAmount |
long |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
CnID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
AppliedAmount |
long |
AppliedAt |
long |
WhenAppliedAt |
datetime |
CnReasonCode |
string |
CnCreateReasonCode |
string |
CnDate |
long |
WhenCNDate |
datetime |
CnStatus |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
CnID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
CnReasonCode |
string |
CnCreateReasonCode |
string |
CnDate |
long |
WhenCNDate |
datetime |
CnTotal |
long |
CnStatus |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
CnID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
CnReasonCode |
string |
CnCreateReasonCode |
string |
CnDate |
long |
WhenCNDate |
datetime |
CnTotal |
long |
CnStatus |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
Order → ID
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
DocumentNumber |
string |
Status |
string |
OrderType |
string |
ReferenceID |
string |
FulfillmentStatus |
string |
BatchID |
string |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
Iterator |
int |
EntityType |
string |
Note |
string |
EntityID |
string |
CouponID |
string |
Coupon → ID
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
CustomerID |
string |
Customer → ID
ItemPriceID |
string |
ItemPrice → ID
TaxID |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
Iterator |
int |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Email |
string |
Company |
string |
Phone |
string |
Line1 |
string |
Line2 |
string |
Line3 |
string |
City |
string |
StateCode |
string |
State |
string |
Country |
string |
Zip |
string |
ValidationStatus |
string |
Index |
int |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
Descriptor |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
Iterator |
int |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Email |
string |
Company |
string |
Phone |
string |
Line1 |
string |
Line2 |
string |
Line3 |
string |
City |
string |
StateCode |
string |
State |
string |
Country |
string |
Zip |
string |
ValidationStatus |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
InvoiceRemoteID |
string |
Invoice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
ReferenceNumber |
string |
Status |
string |
Message |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ItemRemoteID |
string |
Item → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
ItemID |
string |
Item → ID
Value |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ItemRemoteID |
string |
Item → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
Item → ID
ItemID |
string |
Item → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ItemRemoteID |
string |
Item → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ParentItemID |
string |
Item → ID
BundleItemID |
string |
Item → ID
ItemType |
string |
Quantity |
int |
PriceAllocation |
decimal |
Documentation: https://apidocs.chargebee.com/docs/api/attached_items
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ItemRemoteID |
string |
Item → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
ParentItemID |
string |
Item → ID
ItemID |
string |
Item → ID
Type |
string |
Status |
string |
Quantity |
int |
QuantityInDecimal |
decimal |
BillingCycles |
int |
ChargeOnEvent |
string |
ChargeOnce |
boolean |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
ResourceVersion |
long |
UpdatedAt |
long |
WhenUpdatedAt |
datetime |
Channel |
string |
BusinessEntityID |
string |
BusinessEntity → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ItemFamilyRemoteID |
string |
ItemFamily → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
ItemFamilyID |
string |
ItemFamily → ID
Value |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ItemPriceRemoteID |
string |
ItemPrice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ItemPriceID |
string |
ItemPrice → ID
Iterator |
int |
StartingUnit |
int |
EndingUnit |
int |
Price |
long |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ItemPriceRemoteID |
string |
ItemPrice → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ItemPriceID |
string |
ItemPrice → ID
FieldID |
string |
ProviderName |
string |
FieldValue |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
Description |
string |
OrderID |
string |
Order → ID
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
InvoiceLineItemID |
string |
InvoiceLineItem → ID
UnitPrice |
long |
Amount |
long |
FulfillmentQuantity |
int |
FulfillmentAmount |
long |
TaxAmount |
long |
AmountPaid |
long |
AmountAdjusted |
long |
RefundableCreditsIssued |
long |
RefundableCredits |
long |
IsShippable |
boolean |
Sku |
string |
Status |
string |
EntityType |
string |
ItemLevelDiscountAmount |
long |
DiscountAmount |
long |
EntityID |
string |
ItemPrice → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
OrderID |
string |
Order → ID
Iterator |
int |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Email |
string |
Company |
string |
Phone |
string |
Line1 |
string |
Line2 |
string |
Line3 |
string |
City |
string |
StateCode |
string |
State |
string |
Country |
string |
Zip |
string |
ValidationStatus |
string |
Index |
int |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
OrderID |
string |
Order → ID
Iterator |
int |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Email |
string |
Company |
string |
Phone |
string |
Line1 |
string |
Line2 |
string |
Line3 |
string |
City |
string |
StateCode |
string |
State |
string |
Country |
string |
Zip |
string |
ValidationStatus |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
OrderID |
string |
Order → ID
LineItemID |
string |
OrderLineItem → ID
TaxName |
string |
TaxRate |
decimal |
DateTo |
long |
WhenDateTo |
datetime |
DateFrom |
long |
WhenDateFrom |
datetime |
ProratedTaxableAmount |
decimal |
IsPartialTaxApplied |
boolean |
IsNonComplianceTax |
boolean |
TaxableAmount |
long |
TaxAmount |
long |
TaxJurisType |
string |
TaxJurisName |
string |
TaxJurisCode |
string |
TaxAmountInLocalCurrency |
long |
LocalCurrencyCode |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
OrderID |
string |
Order → ID
LineItemID |
string |
OrderLineItem → ID
DiscountType |
string |
EntityID |
string |
CouponID |
string |
Coupon → ID
DiscountID |
string |
SubscriptionDiscount → ID
DiscountAmount |
long |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
OrderID |
string |
Order → ID
Amount |
long |
Type |
string |
Status |
string |
AmountAdjusted |
long |
AmountRefunded |
long |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ParentOrderID |
string |
Order → ID
ResentOrderID |
string |
Order → ID
Reason |
string |
Amount |
long |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PaymentSourceRemoteID |
string |
PaymentSource → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PaymentSourceID |
string |
PaymentSource → ID
Last4 |
string |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Iin |
string |
Brand |
string |
FundingType |
string |
ExpiryMonth |
int |
ExpiryYear |
int |
BillingAddr1 |
string |
BillingAddr2 |
string |
BillingCity |
string |
BillingStateCode |
string |
BillingState |
string |
BillingCountry |
string |
BillingZip |
string |
MaskedNumber |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PaymentSourceRemoteID |
string |
PaymentSource → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PaymentSourceID |
string |
PaymentSource → ID
Last4 |
string |
NameOnAccount |
string |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
DirectDebitScheme |
string |
BankName |
string |
MandateID |
string |
AccountType |
string |
EcheckType |
string |
AccountHolderType |
string |
Email |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PaymentSourceRemoteID |
string |
PaymentSource → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PaymentSourceID |
string |
PaymentSource → ID
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Email |
string |
Company |
string |
Phone |
string |
Line1 |
string |
Line2 |
string |
Line3 |
string |
City |
string |
StateCode |
string |
State |
string |
Country |
string |
Zip |
string |
ValidationStatus |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PaymentSourceRemoteID |
string |
PaymentSource → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
PaymentSourceID |
string |
PaymentSource → ID
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SubscriptionRemoteID |
string |
Subscription → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
Value |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SubscriptionRemoteID |
string |
Subscription → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
ItemPriceID |
string |
ItemPrice → ID
ItemType |
string |
Quantity |
long |
QuantityInDecimal |
decimal |
UnitPrice |
long |
UnitPriceInDecimal |
decimal |
Amount |
long |
AmountInDecimal |
decimal |
BillingPeriod |
int |
BillingPeriodUnit |
string |
FreeQuantity |
long |
FreeQuantityInDecimal |
decimal |
TrialEnd |
long |
WhenTrialEnd |
datetime |
BillingCycles |
int |
ServicePeriodDays |
int |
ChargeOnEvent |
string |
ChargeOnce |
boolean |
ChargeOnOption |
string |
ProrationType |
string |
UsageAccumulationResetFrequency |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SubscriptionRemoteID |
string |
Subscription → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
ItemPriceID |
string |
ItemPrice → ID
StartingUnit |
int |
EndingUnit |
int |
Price |
long |
StartingUnitInDecimal |
decimal |
EndingUnitInDecimal |
decimal |
PriceInDecimal |
decimal |
Index |
int |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SubscriptionRemoteID |
string |
Subscription → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
ItemPriceID |
string |
ItemPrice → ID
LastChargedAt |
long |
WhenLastChargedAt |
datetime |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SubscriptionRemoteID |
string |
Subscription → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
CouponID |
string |
ApplyUntil |
long |
WhenApplyUntil |
datetime |
AppliedCount |
int |
CouponCode |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SubscriptionRemoteID |
string |
Subscription → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
Iterator |
int |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Email |
string |
Company |
string |
Phone |
string |
Line1 |
string |
Line2 |
string |
Line3 |
string |
City |
string |
StateCode |
string |
State |
string |
Country |
string |
Zip |
string |
ValidationStatus |
string |
Index |
int |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SubscriptionRemoteID |
string |
Subscription → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
Iterator |
int |
ReferralCode |
string |
CouponCode |
string |
ReferrerID |
string |
ExternalReferenceID |
string |
RewardStatus |
string |
ReferralSystem |
string |
AccountID |
string |
CampaignID |
string |
ExternalCampaignID |
string |
FriendOfferType |
string |
ReferrerRewardType |
string |
NotifyReferralSystem |
string |
DestinationUrl |
string |
PostPurchaseWidgetEnabled |
boolean |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SubscriptionRemoteID |
string |
Subscription → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
Status |
string |
ContractStart |
long |
WhenContractStart |
datetime |
ContractEnd |
long |
WhenContractEnd |
datetime |
BillingCycle |
int |
ActionAtTermEnd |
string |
TotalContractValue |
long |
TotalContractValueBeforeTax |
long |
CancellationCutoffPeriod |
int |
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
RemainingBillingCycles |
int |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SubscriptionRemoteID |
string |
Subscription → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
SubscriptionID |
string |
Subscription → ID
InvoiceName |
string |
Type |
string |
Percentage |
decimal |
Amount |
long |
CurrencyCode |
string |
DurationType |
string |
Period |
int |
PeriodUnit |
string |
IncludedInMrr |
boolean |
ApplyOn |
string |
ItemPriceID |
string |
ItemPrice → ID
CreatedAt |
long |
WhenCreatedAt |
datetime |
ApplyTill |
long |
AppliedCount |
int |
CouponID |
string |
Coupon → ID
Index |
int |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
TransactionRemoteID |
string |
Transaction → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
TransactionID |
string |
Transaction → ID
InvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
AppliedAmount |
long |
AppliedAt |
long |
WhenAppliedAt |
datetime |
InvoiceDate |
long |
WhenInvoiceDate |
datetime |
InvoiceTotal |
long |
InvoiceStatus |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
TransactionRemoteID |
string |
Transaction → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
TransactionID |
string |
Transaction → ID
CnID |
string |
CreditNote → ID
AppliedAmount |
long |
AppliedAt |
long |
WhenAppliedAt |
datetime |
CnReasonCode |
string |
CnCreateReasonCode |
string |
CnDate |
long |
WhenCreditNoteDate |
datetime |
CnTotal |
long |
CnStatus |
string |
RnReferenceInvoiceID |
string |
Invoice → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
TransactionRemoteID |
string |
Transaction → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
TransactionID |
string |
Transaction → ID
TxnID |
string |
Transaction → ID
TxnStatus |
string |
TxnAmount |
long |
TxnDate |
long |
WhenTransactionDate |
datetime |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
TransactionRemoteID |
string |
Transaction → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
string |
TransactionID |
string |
Transaction → ID
Status |
string |
Amount |
long |
Date |
long |
WhenDate |
datetime |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
TransactionRemoteID |
string |
Transaction → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
TransactionID |
string |
Transaction → ID
Iterator |
int |
RequestID |
string |
ErrorCategory |
string |
ErrorCode |
string |
ErrorMessage |
string |
DeclineCode |
string |
DeclineMessage |
string |
NetworkErrorCode |
string |
NetworkErrorMessage |
string |
ErrorField |
string |
RecommendationCode |
string |
RecommendationMessage |
string |
ProcessorErrorCode |
string |
ProcessorErrorMessage |
string |
ErrorCauseID |
string |
ErrorCauseCustomerMessage |
string |
ErrorCauseMerchantMessage |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
UnbilledChargeRemoteID |
string |
UnbilledCharge → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
UnbilledChargeID |
string |
UnbilledCharge → ID
Iterator |
int |
StartingUnit |
int |
EndingUnit |
int |
QuantityUsed |
int |
UnitAmount |
long |
StartingUnitInDecimal |
decimal |
EndingUnitInDecimal |
decimal |
QuantityUsedInDecimal |
decimal |
UnitAmountInDecimal |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CouponItemConstraintCriteriaRemoteID |
string |
CouponItemConstraintCriteria → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CouponItemConstraintCriteriaID |
string |
CouponItemConstraintCriteria → RemoteID
Iterator |
int |
ItemPricePeriod |
string |