Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=Adjustment
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
CreatedBy |
int |
User → ID
ProcessedBy |
int |
User → ID
IsApproved |
boolean |
Reference |
string |
BranchID |
int |
Branch → ID
CompletedDate |
datetime |
AdjustInAccountingSystem |
datetime |
AdjustmentReason |
string |
AlternativeAccountCode |
string |
ProductTotal |
decimal |
Source |
string |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=AdjustmentItem
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
AdjustmentRemoteID |
string |
Adjustment → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
AdjustmentID |
int |
Adjustment → ID
CreatedDate |
datetime |
TransactionID |
int |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionID |
int |
IntegrationRef |
string |
Sort |
int |
Code |
string |
Option1 |
string |
Option2 |
string |
Option3 |
string |
Qty |
decimal |
QtyAdjusted |
decimal |
HoldingQty |
decimal |
Account |
string |
UnitCost |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=BomComponent
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
BomProductRemoteID |
string |
BomProduct → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionID |
int |
Type |
string |
Sort |
int |
Code |
string |
Option1 |
string |
Option2 |
string |
Option3 |
string |
Notes |
string |
Qty |
decimal |
UnitCost |
decimal |
BomProductID |
int |
BomProduct → ID
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=BomMaster
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
CreatedBy |
int |
User → ID
ModifiedBy |
int |
User → ID
ProductionNotes |
string |
Reference |
string |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=BomProduct
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
BomMasterRemoteID |
string |
BomMaster → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionID |
int |
Type |
string |
Sort |
int |
Code |
string |
Option1 |
string |
Option2 |
string |
Option3 |
string |
Notes |
string |
Qty |
decimal |
UnitCost |
decimal |
BomMasterID |
int |
BomMaster → ID
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=Branch
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
IsActive |
boolean |
Company |
string |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
JobTitle |
string |
Email |
string |
Website |
string |
Phone |
string |
Fax |
string |
Mobile |
string |
Address1 |
string |
Address2 |
string |
City |
string |
State |
string |
PostCode |
string |
Country |
string |
PostalAddress1 |
string |
PostalAddress2 |
string |
PostalCity |
string |
PostalPostCode |
string |
PostalState |
string |
PostalCountry |
string |
Notes |
string |
IntegrationRef |
string |
BranchType |
string |
StockControlOptions |
string |
TaxStatus |
string |
AccountNumber |
string |
AvatarURL |
string |
FullName |
string |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=BranchTransfer
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
CreatedBy |
int |
User → ID
ProcessedBy |
int |
User → ID
ApprovedBy |
int |
User → ID
IsApproved |
boolean |
Reference |
string |
BranchEmail |
string |
InternalComments |
string |
ProductTotal |
decimal |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Company |
string |
Email |
string |
Phone |
string |
Mobile |
string |
Fax |
string |
ProjectName |
string |
TrackingCode |
string |
Source |
string |
SourceBranchID |
int |
Branch → ID
DestinationBranchID |
int |
Branch → ID
ApprovalDate |
datetime |
DispatchedDate |
datetime |
ReceivedDate |
datetime |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=BranchTransferItem
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
BranchTransferRemoteID |
string |
BranchTransfer → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
BranchTransferID |
int |
BranchTransfer → ID
CreatedDate |
datetime |
TransactionID |
int |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionID |
int |
IntegrationRef |
string |
Sort |
int |
Code |
string |
Option1 |
string |
Option2 |
string |
Option3 |
string |
Qty |
decimal |
QtyTransferred |
int |
UnitCost |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=Contact
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
IsActive |
boolean |
Company |
string |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
JobTitle |
string |
Email |
string |
Website |
string |
Phone |
string |
Fax |
string |
Mobile |
string |
Address1 |
string |
Address2 |
string |
City |
string |
State |
string |
PostCode |
string |
Country |
string |
PostalAddress1 |
string |
PostalAddress2 |
string |
PostalCity |
string |
PostalPostCode |
string |
PostalState |
string |
PostalCountry |
string |
Notes |
string |
IntegrationRef |
string |
Type |
string |
SalesPersonID |
int |
User → ID
AccountNumber |
string |
BillingID |
int |
Contact → ID
BillingCompany |
string |
AccountsFirstName |
string |
AccountsLastName |
string |
BillingEmail |
string |
AccountsPhone |
string |
BillingCostCenter |
string |
CostCenter |
string |
PriceColumn |
string |
PaymentTerms |
string |
TaxStatus |
string |
TaxNumber |
string |
CreditLimit |
decimal |
BalanceOwing |
decimal |
OnHold |
boolean |
Group |
string |
SubGroup |
string |
Stages |
string |
AvatarURL |
string |
FullName |
string |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=CreditNote
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
CreatedBy |
int |
User → ID
ProcessedBy |
int |
User → ID
IsApproved |
boolean |
Reference |
string |
MemberID |
int |
ContactMember → ID
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Company |
string |
Email |
string |
Phone |
string |
Mobile |
string |
Fax |
string |
DeliveryFirstName |
string |
DeliveryLastName |
string |
DeliveryCompany |
string |
DeliveryAddress1 |
string |
DeliveryAddress2 |
string |
DeliveryCity |
string |
DeliveryState |
string |
DeliveryPostalCode |
string |
DeliveryCountry |
string |
BillingFirstName |
string |
BillingLastName |
string |
BillingCompany |
string |
BillingAddress1 |
string |
BillingAddress2 |
string |
BillingCity |
string |
BillingPostalCode |
string |
BillingState |
string |
BillingCountry |
string |
BranchID |
int |
Branch → ID
BranchEmail |
string |
ProjectName |
string |
TrackingCode |
string |
InternalComments |
string |
ProductTotal |
decimal |
FreightTotal |
decimal |
FreightDescription |
string |
Surcharge |
decimal |
SurchargeDescription |
string |
DiscountTotal |
decimal |
DiscountDescription |
string |
Total |
decimal |
CurrencyCode |
string |
CurrencyRate |
decimal |
CurrencySymbol |
string |
TaxStatus |
string |
TaxRate |
decimal |
Source |
string |
MemberEmail |
string |
Status |
string |
SalesReference |
string |
CreditNoteNumber |
int |
CreditNoteDate |
datetime |
CompletedDate |
datetime |
CustomerReport |
string |
AlternativeAccountCode |
string |
LineItemsIncludeTax |
boolean |
IsTaxExempt |
boolean |
TotalExTax |
decimal |
Tax |
decimal |
TaxRatePercentage |
decimal |
TaxRateRemoteID |
string |
TotalIncTax |
decimal |
TotalDiscount |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=CreditNoteItem
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CreditNoteRemoteID |
string |
CreditNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
CreditNoteID |
int |
CreditNote → ID
CreatedDate |
datetime |
TransactionID |
int |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionID |
int |
IntegrationRef |
string |
Sort |
int |
Code |
string |
Option1 |
string |
Option2 |
string |
Option3 |
string |
Qty |
decimal |
StyleCode |
string |
Barcode |
string |
SizeCodes |
string |
LineComments |
string |
UnitCost |
decimal |
UnitPrice |
decimal |
Discount |
decimal |
QtyShipped |
decimal |
AccountCode |
string |
LineItemsIncludeTax |
boolean |
IsTaxExempt |
boolean |
UnitPriceExTax |
decimal |
TotalExTax |
decimal |
Tax |
decimal |
TotalIncTax |
decimal |
TaxRatePercentage |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/Api/GET-v1-Payments-id
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
PaymentDate |
datetime |
Amount |
decimal |
Method |
string |
IsAuthorized |
boolean |
TransactionRef |
string |
Comments |
string |
OrderID |
int |
OrderRef |
string |
BatchReference |
string |
PaymentImportedRef |
string |
ReconcileDate |
datetime |
BranchID |
int |
Branch → ID
OrderType |
string |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=Product
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Description |
string |
Status |
string |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
StyleCode |
string |
Tags |
string |
PdfUpload |
string |
PdfDescription |
string |
SupplierID |
int |
Brand |
string |
Category |
string |
SubCategory |
string |
Channels |
string |
Weight |
decimal |
Height |
decimal |
Width |
decimal |
Length |
decimal |
Volume |
decimal |
StockControl |
string |
OrderType |
string |
ProductType |
string |
ProductSubtype |
string |
ProjectName |
string |
OptionLabel1 |
string |
OptionLabel2 |
string |
OptionLabel3 |
string |
SalesAccount |
string |
PurchasesAccount |
string |
ImportCustomsDuty |
string |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=ProductCategory
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Description |
string |
ParentID |
int |
ProductCategory → ID
IsActive |
boolean |
Sort |
int |
ImageLink |
string |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=ProductionJob
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
DueDate |
datetime |
CompletedDate |
datetime |
CreatedBy |
int |
User → ID
CompletedBy |
int |
User → ID
IsApproved |
boolean |
BranchID |
int |
Branch → ID
ProjectName |
string |
ProductionNotes |
string |
Reference |
string |
Source |
string |
TotalCost |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=ProductionJobComponent
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductionJobProductRemoteID |
string |
ProductionJobProduct → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
ProductionJobProductID |
int |
ProductionJobProduct → ID
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionID |
int |
Type |
string |
Sort |
int |
Code |
string |
Option1 |
string |
Option2 |
string |
Option3 |
string |
Notes |
string |
DueDate |
datetime |
StandardQty |
decimal |
ActualQty |
decimal |
UnitCost |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=ProductionJobProduct
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductionJobRemoteID |
string |
ProductionJob → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
ProductionJobID |
int |
ProductionJob → ID
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionID |
int |
Type |
string |
Sort |
int |
Code |
string |
Option1 |
string |
Option2 |
string |
Option3 |
string |
Notes |
string |
DueDate |
datetime |
StandardQty |
decimal |
ActualQty |
decimal |
UnitCost |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=ProductOption
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
Status |
string |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionCode |
string |
ProductOptionSizeCode |
string |
ProductOptionBarcode |
string |
ProductOptionSizeBarcode |
string |
SupplierCode |
string |
Option1 |
string |
Option2 |
string |
Option3 |
string |
OptionWeight |
decimal |
Size |
string |
RetailPrice |
decimal |
WholesalePrice |
decimal |
VipPrice |
decimal |
SpecialPrice |
decimal |
SpecialsStartDate |
datetime |
SpecialDays |
int |
StockAvailable |
decimal |
StockOnHand |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=PurchaseOrder
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
CreatedBy |
int |
User → ID
ProcessedBy |
int |
User → ID
IsApproved |
boolean |
Reference |
string |
MemberID |
int |
ContactMember → ID
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Company |
string |
Email |
string |
Phone |
string |
Mobile |
string |
Fax |
string |
DeliveryFirstName |
string |
DeliveryLastName |
string |
DeliveryCompany |
string |
DeliveryAddress1 |
string |
DeliveryAddress2 |
string |
DeliveryCity |
string |
DeliveryState |
string |
DeliveryPostalCode |
string |
DeliveryCountry |
string |
BillingFirstName |
string |
BillingLastName |
string |
BillingCompany |
string |
BillingAddress1 |
string |
BillingAddress2 |
string |
BillingCity |
string |
BillingPostalCode |
string |
BillingState |
string |
BillingCountry |
string |
BranchID |
int |
Branch → ID
BranchEmail |
string |
ProjectName |
string |
TrackingCode |
string |
InternalComments |
string |
ProductTotal |
decimal |
FreightTotal |
decimal |
FreightDescription |
string |
Surcharge |
decimal |
SurchargeDescription |
string |
DiscountTotal |
decimal |
DiscountDescription |
string |
Total |
decimal |
CurrencyCode |
string |
CurrencyRate |
decimal |
CurrencySymbol |
string |
TaxStatus |
string |
TaxRate |
decimal |
Source |
string |
MemberEmail |
string |
MemberCostCenter |
string |
MemberAlternativeTaxRate |
string |
CostCenter |
string |
AlternativeTaxRate |
string |
EstimatedDeliveryDate |
datetime |
SalesPersonID |
int |
User → ID
SalesPersonEmail |
string |
PaymentTerms |
string |
CustomerOrderNo |
string |
VoucherCode |
string |
DeliveryInstructions |
string |
Status |
string |
Stage |
string |
SupplierInvoiceReference |
string |
SupplierAcceptanceDate |
datetime |
Port |
string |
EstimatedArrivalDate |
datetime |
FullyReceivedDate |
datetime |
InvoiceDate |
datetime |
AmountCredited |
decimal |
AmountDue |
decimal |
AmountPaid |
decimal |
CustomerRemoteID |
string |
IsAccountsReceivable |
boolean |
HasAttachments |
boolean |
IsAccountsPayable |
boolean |
InvoiceNumber |
string |
IsSentToClient |
boolean |
LineItemsIncludeTax |
boolean |
IsTaxExempt |
boolean |
Tax |
decimal |
TaxRatePercentage |
decimal |
TotalExTax |
decimal |
TaxRateRemoteID |
string |
TotalIncTax |
decimal |
TotalDiscount |
decimal |
WhenDue |
datetime |
WhenPaid |
datetime |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=PurchaseOrderItem
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PurchaseOrderRemoteID |
string |
PurchaseOrder → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Description |
string |
PurchaseOrderID |
int |
PurchaseOrder → ID
LineItemsIncludeTax |
boolean |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
TransactionID |
int |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionID |
int |
IntegrationRef |
string |
Sort |
int |
Code |
string |
Option1 |
string |
Option2 |
string |
Option3 |
string |
Qty |
decimal |
StyleCode |
string |
Barcode |
string |
SizeCodes |
string |
LineComments |
string |
UnitPrice |
decimal |
Discount |
decimal |
QtyShipped |
decimal |
HoldingQty |
decimal |
AccountCode |
string |
Quantity |
decimal |
UnitPriceExTax |
decimal |
TotalExTax |
decimal |
Tax |
decimal |
TotalIncTax |
decimal |
TaxRatePercentage |
decimal |
TaxRateRemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
DiscountAmount |
decimal |
DiscountPercentage |
decimal |
IsTaxExempt |
boolean |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=Quote
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
CreatedBy |
int |
User → ID
ProcessedBy |
int |
User → ID
IsApproved |
boolean |
Reference |
string |
MemberID |
int |
ContactMember → ID
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Company |
string |
Email |
string |
Phone |
string |
Mobile |
string |
Fax |
string |
DeliveryFirstName |
string |
DeliveryLastName |
string |
DeliveryCompany |
string |
DeliveryAddress1 |
string |
DeliveryAddress2 |
string |
DeliveryCity |
string |
DeliveryState |
string |
DeliveryPostalCode |
string |
DeliveryCountry |
string |
BillingFirstName |
string |
BillingLastName |
string |
BillingCompany |
string |
BillingAddress1 |
string |
BillingAddress2 |
string |
BillingCity |
string |
BillingPostalCode |
string |
BillingState |
string |
BillingCountry |
string |
BranchID |
int |
Branch → ID
BranchEmail |
string |
ProjectName |
string |
TrackingCode |
string |
InternalComments |
string |
ProductTotal |
decimal |
FreightTotal |
decimal |
FreightDescription |
string |
Surcharge |
decimal |
SurchargeDescription |
string |
DiscountTotal |
decimal |
DiscountDescription |
string |
Total |
decimal |
CurrencyCode |
string |
CurrencyRate |
decimal |
CurrencySymbol |
string |
TaxStatus |
string |
TaxRate |
decimal |
Source |
string |
MemberEmail |
string |
MemberCostCenter |
string |
MemberAlternativeTaxRate |
string |
CostCenter |
string |
AlternativeTaxRate |
string |
EstimatedDeliveryDate |
datetime |
SalesPersonID |
int |
User → ID
SalesPersonEmail |
string |
PaymentTerms |
string |
CustomerOrderNo |
string |
VoucherCode |
string |
DeliveryInstructions |
string |
Status |
string |
Stage |
string |
Probability |
decimal |
ExpectedOrderDate |
datetime |
AcceptanceDate |
datetime |
AmountCredited |
decimal |
AmountDue |
decimal |
AmountPaid |
decimal |
CustomerRemoteID |
string |
IsAccountsReceivable |
boolean |
HasAttachments |
boolean |
IsAccountsPayable |
boolean |
InvoiceNumber |
string |
IsSentToClient |
boolean |
LineItemsIncludeTax |
boolean |
IsTaxExempt |
boolean |
Tax |
decimal |
TaxRatePercentage |
decimal |
TotalExTax |
decimal |
TaxRateRemoteID |
string |
TotalIncTax |
decimal |
TotalDiscount |
decimal |
WhenDue |
datetime |
WhenPaid |
datetime |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=QuoteItem
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
QuoteRemoteID |
string |
Quote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Description |
string |
QuoteID |
int |
Quote → ID
LineItemsIncludeTax |
boolean |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
TransactionID |
int |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionID |
int |
IntegrationRef |
string |
Sort |
int |
Code |
string |
Option1 |
string |
Option2 |
string |
Option3 |
string |
Qty |
decimal |
StyleCode |
string |
Barcode |
string |
SizeCodes |
string |
LineComments |
string |
UnitPrice |
decimal |
Discount |
decimal |
QtyShipped |
decimal |
HoldingQty |
decimal |
Quantity |
decimal |
UnitPriceExTax |
decimal |
TotalExTax |
decimal |
Tax |
decimal |
TotalIncTax |
decimal |
TaxRatePercentage |
decimal |
TaxRateRemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
DiscountAmount |
decimal |
DiscountPercentage |
decimal |
IsTaxExempt |
boolean |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=StockMovement
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderItemRemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderItem → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Batch |
string |
Quantity |
decimal |
SalesOrderItemID |
int |
SalesOrderItem → ID
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=SalesOrder
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
CreatedBy |
int |
User → ID
ProcessedBy |
int |
User → ID
IsApproved |
boolean |
Reference |
string |
MemberID |
int |
ContactMember → ID
DistributionBranchID |
int |
Branch → ID
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
Company |
string |
Email |
string |
Phone |
string |
Mobile |
string |
Fax |
string |
DeliveryFirstName |
string |
DeliveryLastName |
string |
DeliveryCompany |
string |
DeliveryAddress1 |
string |
DeliveryAddress2 |
string |
DeliveryCity |
string |
DeliveryState |
string |
DeliveryPostalCode |
string |
DeliveryCountry |
string |
BillingFirstName |
string |
BillingLastName |
string |
BillingCompany |
string |
BillingAddress1 |
string |
BillingAddress2 |
string |
BillingCity |
string |
BillingPostalCode |
string |
BillingState |
string |
BillingCountry |
string |
BranchID |
int |
Branch → ID
BranchEmail |
string |
ProjectName |
string |
TrackingCode |
string |
InternalComments |
string |
ProductTotal |
decimal |
FreightTotal |
decimal |
FreightDescription |
string |
Surcharge |
decimal |
SurchargeDescription |
string |
DiscountTotal |
decimal |
DiscountDescription |
string |
Total |
decimal |
CurrencyCode |
string |
CurrencyRate |
decimal |
CurrencySymbol |
string |
TaxStatus |
string |
TaxRate |
decimal |
Source |
string |
MemberEmail |
string |
MemberCostCenter |
string |
MemberAlternativeTaxRate |
string |
CostCenter |
string |
AlternativeTaxRate |
string |
EstimatedDeliveryDate |
datetime |
SalesPersonID |
int |
User → ID
PaymentTerms |
string |
CustomerOrderNo |
string |
VoucherCode |
string |
DeliveryInstructions |
string |
Status |
string |
Stage |
string |
InvoiceDate |
datetime |
InvoiceNumber |
string |
DispatchedDate |
datetime |
LogisticsCarrier |
string |
LogisticsStatus |
int |
IsAccountsReceivable |
boolean |
IsAccountsPayable |
boolean |
AmountDue |
decimal |
AmountPaid |
decimal |
AmountCredited |
decimal |
HasAttachments |
boolean |
LineItemsIncludeTax |
boolean |
IsTaxExempt |
boolean |
TotalExTax |
decimal |
Tax |
decimal |
TotalIncTax |
decimal |
TotalDiscount |
decimal |
CustomerRemoteID |
string |
WhenDue |
datetime |
WhenPaid |
datetime |
TaxRatePercentage |
decimal |
TaxRateRemoteID |
string |
IsSentToClient |
boolean |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=SalesOrderItem
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderRemoteID |
string |
SalesOrder → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Description |
string |
LineItemsIncludeTax |
boolean |
CreatedDate |
datetime |
SalesOrderID |
int |
SalesOrder → ID
TransactionID |
int |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionID |
int |
IntegrationRef |
string |
Sort |
int |
Code |
string |
Option1 |
string |
Option2 |
string |
Option3 |
string |
Qty |
decimal |
StyleCode |
string |
Barcode |
string |
SizeCodes |
string |
LineComments |
string |
UnitCost |
decimal |
UnitPrice |
decimal |
Discount |
decimal |
QtyShipped |
decimal |
HoldingQty |
decimal |
AccountCode |
string |
ParentID |
int |
SalesOrderItem → ID
Quantity |
decimal |
UnitPriceExTax |
decimal |
TotalExTax |
decimal |
Tax |
decimal |
TotalIncTax |
decimal |
TaxRatePercentage |
decimal |
TaxRateRemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
DiscountAmount |
decimal |
DiscountPercentage |
decimal |
IsTaxExempt |
boolean |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=SerialNumber
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Serialnumber |
string |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionID |
int |
LineItemID |
int |
Code |
string |
HoldingGroup |
string |
BranchID |
int |
Branch → ID
Available |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=StockUnit
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductOptionID |
int |
ModifiedDate |
datetime |
StyleCode |
string |
Code |
string |
Barcode |
string |
BranchID |
int |
Branch → ID
Option1 |
string |
Option2 |
string |
Option3 |
string |
Size |
string |
Available |
decimal |
StockOnHand |
decimal |
OpenSales |
decimal |
Incoming |
decimal |
VirtualStock |
decimal |
Holding |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=User
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
IsActive |
boolean |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
JobTitle |
string |
Email |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ContactRemoteID |
string |
Contact → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
ContactID |
int |
Contact → ID
Company |
string |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
JobTitle |
string |
Email |
string |
Mobile |
string |
Phone |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ContactRemoteID |
string |
Contact → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ContactID |
int |
Contact → ID
FieldName |
string |
FieldValue |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
CreditNoteRemoteID |
string |
CreditNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CreditNoteID |
int |
CreditNote → ID
FieldName |
string |
FieldValue |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
Url |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
FieldName |
string |
FieldValue |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
TagName |
string |
Count |
int |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductCategoryID |
int |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductOptionRemoteID |
string |
ProductOption → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
Value |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api.cin7.com/API/Help/ResourceModel?modelName=PurchaseOrder
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PurchaseOrderRemoteID |
string |
PurchaseOrder → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PurchaseOrderID |
int |
PurchaseOrder → ID
FieldName |
string |
FieldValue |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
QuoteRemoteID |
string |
Quote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
QuoteID |
int |
Quote → ID
FieldName |
string |
FieldValue |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderRemoteID |
string |
SalesOrder → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
SalesOrderID |
int |
SalesOrder → ID
FieldName |
string |
FieldValue |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderItemRemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderItem → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
SalesOrderItemID |
int |
SalesOrderItem → ID
SortOrder |
int |
Code |
string |
Barcode |
string |
Qty |
decimal |