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Explore the Employment Hero HR API data model

See how the various Employment Hero HR endpoints relate to each other, using our handy Entity Relationship Diagram

Pulling data from the Employment Hero HR API is only the first part of your reporting. You also need to understand the relationships between different endpoints - something that APIs typically fail to convey.

At SyncHub, we not only sync your Employment Hero HR API endpoints down into a reportable format, we also describe their relationships (e.g. in terms of foreign keys) so that you can quickly get a grasp of your data and how it fits together. This page is intended as technical documentation of these relationships.



Documentation: https://developer.employmenthero.com/api-references/#get-all-certification

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
Name string - -
Type string - -


Documentation: https://developer.employmenthero.com/api-references/#get-employees

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
EmployeeRemoteID string Employee → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
Name string - -


Documentation: https://secure.employmenthero.com/app/v2/organisations/372226/custom_fields

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
Name string - -
Description string - -
Hint string - -
Type string - -
InOnboarding boolean - -
Required boolean - -


Documentation: https://developer.employmenthero.com/api-references/#get-employees

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
AccountEmail string - -
Title string - -
Role string - -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
MiddleName string - -
Address string - -
AvatarUrl string - -
KnownAs string - -
JobTitle string - -
Gender string - -
Country string - -
Nationality string - -
DateOfBirth datetime - -
MaritalStatus string - -
PersonalEmail string - -
PersonalMobileNumber string - -
HomePhone string - -
EmployingEntity string - -
Code string - -
Location string - -
CompanyEmail string - -
CompanyMobile string - -
CompanyLandline string - -
StartDate datetime - -
TerminationDate datetime - -
PrimaryCostCenterID guid CostCenter → ID -
PrimaryManagerID guid Employee → ID -
SecondaryManagerID guid Employee → ID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
EmployeeRemoteID string Employee → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -
AccountName string - -
AccountNumber string - -
Bsb string - -
Amount string - -
PrimaryAccount boolean - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
EmployeeRemoteID string Employee → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
Name string - -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -
CertificationID guid Certification → ID -
Type string - -
ExpiryDate datetime - -
CompletionDate datetime - -
DriverProblems boolean - -
DriverDetails string - -
Status string - -
Reason string - -


Documentation: https://developer.employmenthero.com/api-references/#get-employees

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
EmployeeRemoteID string Employee → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
CostCenterID guid CostCenter → ID -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
EmployeeRemoteID string Employee → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
EmployeeRemoteID string Employee → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID long - -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -
ContactName string - -
DaytimeContactNumber string - -
AfterHoursNo string - -
AfterMobileNumber string - -
Relationship string - -
ContactType string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
EmployeeRemoteID string Employee → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -
Title string - -
StartDate datetime - -
EndDate datetime - -
EmploymentType string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
EmployeeRemoteID string Employee → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -
EffectiveFrom datetime - -
Classification string - -
IndustrialInstrument string - -
PayRateTemplate string - -
AnniversaryDate datetime - -
Salary decimal - -
SalaryType string - -
PayUnit string - -
PayCategory string - -
LeaveAllowanceTemplate string - -
ChangeReason string - -
Comments string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
EmployeeRemoteID string Employee → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
Name string - -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
TotalDeduction decimal - -
NetPay decimal - -
Super decimal - -
Wages decimal - -
Reimbursements decimal - -
Tax decimal - -
AddressLine1 string - -
AddressLine2 string - -
Suburb string - -
Postcode string - -
AddressState string - -
Note string - -
PostTaxDeduction decimal - -
PreTaxDeduction decimal - -
BusinessName string - -
BusinessAddress string - -
BusinessAbn string - -
BaseRate decimal - -
HourlyRate decimal - -
PayPeriodStarting datetime - -
PayPeriodEnding datetime - -
BaseRateUnit string - -
EmploymentType string - -
PayrollType string - -
PaymentDate datetime - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
EmployeeRemoteID string Employee → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -
FundName string - -
MemberNumber string - -
ProductCode string - -
EmployerNominatedFund boolean - -
FundAbn string - -
ElectronicServiceAddress string - -
FundEmail string - -
AccountName string - -
AccountBsb string - -
AccountNumber string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
EmployeeRemoteID string Employee → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -
FirstName string - -
LastName string - -
TaxFileNumber string - -
TaxAuResident boolean - -
TaxForeignResident boolean - -
WorkingHolidayMaker boolean - -
TaxFree boolean - -
TaxHelpDebt boolean - -
TaxFinancialSupplementDebt boolean - -


Documentation: https://developer.employmenthero.com/api-references/#get-timesheet-entries

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -
Date datetime - -
StartTime datetime - -
EndTime datetime - -
Status string - -
Units decimal - -
Reason string - -
Comment string - -
Time long - -


Documentation: https://developer.employmenthero.com/api-references/#get-leave-requests

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
StartDate datetime - -
EndDate datetime - -
TotalHours decimal - -
Comment string - -
Status string - -
LeaveBalanceAmount decimal - -
LeaveCategoryName string - -
Reason string - -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -


Documentation: https://developer.employmenthero.com/api-references/#get-all-organisations

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
TimeZone string - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
Name string - -
PrimaryAddress string - -
EndOfWeek string - -
TypicalWorkDay string - -
SubscriptionPlan string - -
SuperfundName string - -
EmployeesCount int - -
ActiveEmployeesCount int - -
PendingEmplyeesCount int - -
CreatedAt datetime - -
Phone string - -
Country string - -
LogoUrl string - -
TenantID string - -


Documentation: https://developer.employmenthero.com/api-references/#get-policies

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
Name string - -
Induction boolean - -
CreatedAt datetime - -


Documentation: https://developer.employmenthero.com/api-references/#get-all-team

Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
Name string - -
Status string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
CustomFieldRemoteID string CustomField → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
CustomFieldID guid CustomField → ID -
Permission string - -
Role string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
CustomFieldRemoteID string CustomField → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid - -
CustomFieldID guid CustomField → ID -
Value string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
EmployeeCustomFieldRemoteID string EmployeeCustomField → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
ID guid CustomFieldOption → ID
  • 24 Jul 2024 There is no id field if we are dealing with a free text custom field, so empty values here are fine. Note that if we have multiple options selected in a multi-choice type, then of course this will be a different id for each of the choices
EmployeeCustomFieldID guid EmployeeCustomField → ID -
Value string - -


Column Type Relates to Notes
RemoteID string - -
TeamRemoteID string Team → RemoteID -
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore datetime - -
MirrorRemoteID int - -
IsDeleted boolean - -
WhenCreated datetime - -
WhenModified datetime - -
TeamID guid Team → ID -
EmployeeID guid Employee → ID -

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