Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/getbatchstock
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
BatchID |
long |
BatchCreatedDate |
datetime |
BatchNumber |
string |
ExpirationDate |
datetime |
LocationID |
long |
VariantID |
long |
QuantityInStock |
decimal |
BatchBarcode |
string |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/customer
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Name |
string |
Email |
string |
Phone |
string |
Currency |
string |
Comment |
string |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/inventory
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
VariantID |
long |
Variant → ID
LocationID |
long |
Location → ID
ReorderPoint |
decimal |
AverageCost |
decimal |
ValueInStock |
decimal |
QuantityInStock |
decimal |
QuantityCommitted |
decimal |
QuantityExpected |
decimal |
QuantityMissingOrExcess |
decimal |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/location
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Name |
string |
LegalName |
string |
AddressID |
long |
IsPrimary |
boolean |
SalesAllowed |
boolean |
PurchaseAllowed |
boolean |
ManufacturingAllowed |
boolean |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/getallmanufacturingorders
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Status |
string |
OrderNo |
string |
VariantID |
long |
Variant → ID
PlannedQuantity |
decimal |
ActualQuantity |
decimal |
LocationID |
long |
Location → ID
OrderCreatedDate |
datetime |
DoneDate |
datetime |
ProductionDeadlineDate |
datetime |
AdditionalInfo |
string |
IsLinkedToSalesOrder |
boolean |
SalesOrderID |
long |
SalesOrder → ID
SalesOrderRowID |
long |
SalesOrderRow → ID
IngredientAvailability |
string |
MaterialCost |
decimal |
SubassembliesCost |
decimal |
OperationsCost |
decimal |
TotalCost |
decimal |
TotalActualTime |
decimal |
TotalPlannedTime |
decimal |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/getallmanufacturingorderreciperows
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
ManufacturingOrderID |
long |
ManufacturingOrder → ID
VariantID |
long |
Variant → ID
Notes |
string |
PlannedQuantityPerUnit |
decimal |
TotalActualQuantity |
decimal |
IngredientAvailability |
string |
IngredientExpectedDate |
datetime |
Cost |
decimal |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/material
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Name |
string |
Uom |
string |
CategoryName |
string |
Type |
string |
AdditionalInfo |
string |
PurchaseUom |
string |
PurchaseUomConversionRate |
decimal |
DefaultSupplierID |
long |
Supplier → ID
BatchTracked |
boolean |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/getallpricelists
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Name |
string |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
IsActive |
boolean |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/getallpricelistrows
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
PriceListID |
long |
PriceList → ID
VariantID |
long |
Variant → ID
AdjustmentMethod |
string |
Amount |
decimal |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/product
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Name |
string |
Uom |
string |
CategoryName |
string |
IsProducible |
boolean |
DefaultSupplierID |
long |
Supplier → ID
IsPurchasable |
boolean |
Type |
string |
PurchaseUom |
string |
PurchaseUomConversionRate |
decimal |
BatchTracked |
boolean |
AdditionalInfo |
string |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/purchase-order#list-all-purchase-orders
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Status |
string |
BillingStatus |
string |
LastDocumentStatus |
string |
OrderNo |
string |
SupplierID |
long |
Supplier → ID
Currency |
string |
ExpectedArrivalDate |
datetime |
OrderCreatedDate |
datetime |
AdditionalInfo |
string |
LocationID |
long |
Location → ID
Total |
decimal |
TotalInBaseCurrency |
decimal |
EntityType |
string |
IngredientAvailability |
string |
IngredientExpectedDate |
datetime |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/recipe
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
RecipeID |
long |
RecipeRowID |
long |
ProductID |
long |
Product → ID
ProductVariantID |
long |
Variant → ID
IngredientVariantID |
long |
Variant → ID
Quantity |
decimal |
Notes |
string |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/recipe
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
RecipeRowRemoteID |
string |
RecipeRow → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
RecipeID |
long |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/sales-order#list-all-sales-orders
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
CustomerID |
long |
Customer → ID
OrderNo |
string |
Source |
string |
OrderCreatedDate |
datetime |
DeliveryDate |
datetime |
PickedDate |
datetime |
LocationID |
long |
Location → ID
Status |
string |
Currency |
string |
ConversionRate |
decimal |
Total |
decimal |
TotalInBaseCurrency |
decimal |
ConversionDate |
datetime |
ProductExpectedDate |
datetime |
IngredientExpectedDate |
datetime |
ProductAvailability |
string |
IngredientAvailability |
string |
ProductionStatus |
string |
InvoicingStatus |
string |
AdditionalInfo |
string |
EcommerceOrderType |
string |
EcommerceStoreName |
string |
EcommerceOrderID |
string |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/the-sales-order-fulfillment-object
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
SalesOrderID |
long |
SalesOrder → ID
TrackingNumber |
string |
TrackingUrl |
string |
TrackingCarrier |
string |
TrackingMethod |
string |
PickedDate |
datetime |
ConversionRate |
int |
ConversionDate |
datetime |
Status |
string |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/findstockadjustments
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
StockAdjustmentDate |
string |
LocationID |
long |
Location → ID
StockAdjustmentNumber |
string |
Reason |
string |
AdditionalInfo |
string |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/findstocktakes
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
StocktakeNumber |
string |
LocationID |
long |
Location → ID
Status |
string |
Reason |
string |
AdditionalInfo |
string |
StocktakeCreatedDate |
datetime |
StartedDate |
datetime |
CompletedDate |
datetime |
StatusUpdateInProgress |
boolean |
SetRemainingItemsAsCounted |
boolean |
StockAdjustmentID |
long |
StockAdjustment → ID
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/findstocktakerows
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
VariantID |
long |
Product → ID
BatchID |
long |
StocktakeID |
long |
Stocktake → ID
Notes |
string |
InStockQuantity |
decimal |
CountedQuantity |
decimal |
DiscrepancyQuantity |
decimal |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/findstocktransfers
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
TransferDate |
string |
TargetLocationID |
long |
Location → ID
SourceLocationID |
long |
Location → ID
StockTransferNumber |
string |
AdditionalInfo |
string |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/supplier
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Name |
string |
Email |
string |
Comment |
string |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/tax-rate
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Name |
string |
Rate |
decimal |
IsDefaultSales |
boolean |
IsDefaultPurchases |
boolean |
DisplayName |
string |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.katanamrp.com/reference/variant#list-all-variants
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Sku |
string |
SalesPrice |
decimal |
ProductID |
long |
Product → ID
MaterialID |
long |
Material → ID
PurchasePrice |
decimal |
Type |
string |
InternalBarcode |
string |
RegisteredBarcode |
string |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
MaterialRemoteID |
string |
Material → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Name |
string |
MaterialID |
long |
Material → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Name |
string |
ProductID |
long |
Product → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PurchaseOrderRemoteID |
string |
PurchaseOrder → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
PurchaseOrderID |
long |
PurchaseOrder → ID
Quantity |
decimal |
VariantID |
long |
Variant → ID
TaxRateID |
long |
TaxRate → ID
PricePerUnit |
decimal |
Total |
decimal |
PurchaseUom |
string |
Currency |
string |
ConversionRate |
decimal |
ConversionDate |
datetime |
ReceivedDate |
datetime |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderRemoteID |
string |
SalesOrder → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
SalesOrderID |
long |
SalesOrder → ID
Quantity |
decimal |
VariantID |
long |
Variant → ID
TaxRateID |
long |
TaxRate → ID
PricePerUnit |
decimal |
PricePerUnitInBaseCurrency |
decimal |
Total |
decimal |
TotalInBaseCurrency |
decimal |
CreatedAt |
datetime |
UpdatedAt |
datetime |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
StockAdjustmentRemoteID |
string |
StockAdjustment → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
StockAdjustmentID |
long |
StockAdjustment → ID
VariantID |
long |
Variant → ID
Quantity |
decimal |
CostPerUnit |
decimal |
DeletedAt |
datetime |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
StockTransferRemoteID |
string |
StockTransfer → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
StockTransferID |
long |
StockTransfer → ID
VariantID |
long |
Variant → ID
Quantity |
decimal |
CostPerUnit |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
VariantRemoteID |
string |
Variant → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
VariantID |
long |
Variant → ID
ConfigName |
string |
ConfigValue |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
VariantRemoteID |
string |
Variant → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
VariantID |
long |
Variant → ID
Code |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
MaterialConfigRemoteID |
string |
MaterialConfig → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
MaterialConfigID |
long |
MaterialConfig → ID
Value |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductConfigRemoteID |
string |
ProductConfig → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductConfigID |
long |
ProductConfig → ID
Value |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderRowRemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderRow → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
SalesOrderRowID |
long |
SalesOrderRow → ID
Key |
string |
Value |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderRowRemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderRow → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
SalesOrderRowID |
long |
SalesOrderRow → ID
BatchID |
long |
BatchStock → BatchID
Quantity |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderFulfillmentRowRemoteID |
string |
SalesOrderFulfillmentRow → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
BatchID |
long |
Quantity |
decimal |