Pulling data from the Neto API is only the first part of your reporting. You also need to understand the relationships between different endpoints - something that APIs typically fail to convey.
At SyncHub, we not only sync your Neto API endpoints down into a reportable format, we also describe their relationships (e.g. in terms of foreign keys) so that you can quickly get a grasp of your data and how it fits together. This page is intended as technical documentation of these relationships.
Documentation: https://developers.maropost.com/documentation/engineers/api-documentation/content/getcontent
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
DateUpdatedUTC | datetime | - | - |
DatePostedUTC | datetime | - | - |
ContentName | string | - | - |
ParentContentID | long | Content → ID | - |
Active | boolean | - | - |
SortOrder | int | - | - |
OnSiteMap | boolean | - | - |
OnMenu | boolean | - | - |
AllowReviews | boolean | - | - |
RequireLogin | string | - | - |
ContentReference | string | - | - |
ShortDescription1 | string | - | - |
ShortDescription2 | string | - | - |
ShortDescription3 | string | - | - |
Description1 | string | - | - |
Description2 | string | - | - |
Description3 | string | - | - |
ContentType | long | - | - |
ContentID | long | - | - |
Author | string | - | - |
ContentURL | string | - | - |
Label1 | string | - | - |
Label2 | string | - | - |
Label3 | string | - | - |
SEOMetaDescription | string | - | - |
SEOMetaKeywords | string | - | - |
SEOPageHeading | string | - | - |
SEOPageTitle | string | - | - |
SEOCanonicalURL | string | - | - |
SearchKeywords | string | - | - |
HeaderTemplate | string | - | - |
BodyTemplate | string | - | - |
FooterTemplate | string | - | - |
SearchResultsTemplate | string | - | - |
ExternalReference1 | string | - | - |
ExternalReference2 | string | - | - |
ExternalReference3 | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developers.maropost.com/documentation/engineers/api-documentation/customers
Documentation: https://developers.maropost.com/documentation/engineers/api-documentation/orders-invoices
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
OrderID | string | Order → OrderID | - |
RelatedOrderID | string | Order → OrderID | - |
TaxInclusive | boolean | - | - |
OrderTax | decimal | - | - |
SurchargeTotal | decimal | - | - |
SurchargeTaxable | decimal | - | - |
ShippingTax | decimal | - | - |
ComponentOfKit | string | - | - |
KitPartID | string | - | - |
BillStreetLine1 | string | - | - |
BillState | string | - | - |
BillCountry | string | - | - |
BillPostCode | string | - | - |
ShipLastName | string | - | - |
ShipFirstName | string | - | - |
DeliveryInstruction | string | - | - |
ShipPhone | string | - | - |
string | - | - | |
BillCity | string | - | - |
BillFirstName | string | - | - |
ShippingOption | string | - | - |
ShippingSignature | boolean | - | - |
ShipCompany | string | - | - |
BillLastName | string | - | - |
ShipStreetLine1 | string | - | - |
ShipState | string | - | - |
ShipCity | string | - | - |
ShipCountry | string | - | - |
BillStreetLine2 | string | - | - |
ShipStreetLine2 | string | - | - |
ShipPostCode | string | - | - |
ShippingTotal | decimal | - | - |
GrandTotal | decimal | - | - |
PaymentTerms | string | - | - |
RealtimeConfirmation | string | - | - |
InternalOrderNotes | string | - | - |
Username | string | - | - |
OrderStatus | string | - | - |
OrderType | string | - | - |
OnHoldType | string | - | - |
DefaultPaymentType | string | - | - |
SalesPerson | string | - | - |
PurchaseOrderNumber | string | - | - |
CouponCode | string | - | - |
CouponDiscount | decimal | - | - |
CompleteStatus | string | - | - |
DatePlaced | datetime | - | - |
DateRequired | datetime | - | - |
DateInvoiced | datetime | - | - |
DatePaid | datetime | - | - |
DateUpdated | datetime | - | - |
DateCompletedUTC | datetime | - | - |
DatePaymentDue | datetime | - | - |
Documentation: https://developers.maropost.com/documentation/engineers/api-documentation/payments
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
OrderID | string | Order → OrderID | - |
AmountPaid | decimal | - | - |
CurrencyCode | string | - | - |
PaymentMethod | string | - | - |
ProcessBy | string | - | - |
AuthorisationMessage | string | - | - |
CardHolder | string | - | - |
CardExpiryDate | string | - | - |
CardAuthorisation | string | - | - |
AccountName | string | - | - |
AccountBSB | string | - | - |
AccountNumber | string | - | - |
ChequeNumber | string | - | - |
PaymentNotes | string | - | - |
DatePaidUTC | datetime | - | - |
Documentation: https://developers.maropost.com/documentation/engineers/api-documentation/payments/getpaymentmethods
Documentation: https://developers.maropost.com/documentation/engineers/api-documentation/products
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
SKU | string | - | - |
ParentSKU | string | - | - |
AccountingCode | string | - | - |
Virtual | boolean | - | - |
Brand | string | - | - |
Model | string | - | - |
SortOrder1 | int | - | - |
SortOrder2 | int | - | - |
RRP | decimal | - | - |
DefaultPrice | decimal | - | - |
PromotionPrice | decimal | - | - |
PromotionStartDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
PromotionExpiryDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
DateArrivalUTC | datetime | - | - |
CostPrice | decimal | - | - |
UnitOfMeasure | string | - | - |
BaseUnitOfMeasure | string | - | - |
BaseUnitPerQuantity | decimal | - | - |
BuyUnitQuantity | int | - | - |
QuantityPerScan | int | - | - |
SellUnitQuantity | int | - | - |
PreOrderQuantity | int | - | - |
PickPriority | string | - | - |
PickZone | string | - | - |
Approved | boolean | - | - |
IsActive | boolean | - | - |
IsNetoUtility | boolean | - | - |
IsGiftVoucher | boolean | - | - |
Visible | boolean | - | - |
TaxFreeItem | boolean | - | - |
TaxInclusive | boolean | - | - |
ApprovedForPOS | boolean | - | - |
ApprovedForMobileStore | boolean | - | - |
SearchKeywords | string | - | - |
ShortDescription | string | - | - |
TermsAndConditions | string | - | - |
Features | string | - | - |
Specifications | string | - | - |
Warranty | string | - | - |
ArtistOrAuthor | string | - | - |
Format | string | - | - |
ModelNumber | string | - | - |
Subtitle | string | - | - |
AvailabilityDescription | string | - | - |
ImageURL | string | - | - |
BrochureURL | string | - | - |
ProductURL | string | - | - |
DateAddedUTC | datetime | - | - |
DateUpdatedUTC | datetime | - | - |
DateCreatedUTC | datetime | - | - |
UPC | string | - | - |
UPC1 | string | - | - |
UPC2 | string | - | - |
UPC3 | string | - | - |
Type | string | - | - |
SubType | string | - | - |
NumbersOfLabelsToPrint | int | - | - |
ReferenceNumber | int | - | - |
InternalNotes | string | - | - |
BarcodeHeight | decimal | - | - |
IsInventoried | string | - | - |
IsBought | string | - | - |
IsSold | string | - | - |
ExpenseAccount | string | - | - |
PurchaseTaxCode | string | - | - |
CostOfSalesAccount | string | - | - |
IncomeAccount | string | - | - |
AssetAccount | string | - | - |
ItemHeight | string | - | - |
ItemLength | string | - | - |
ItemWidth | decimal | - | - |
ShippingHeight | decimal | - | - |
ShippingLength | decimal | - | - |
ShippingWidth | decimal | - | - |
ShippingWeight | decimal | - | - |
CubicWeight | decimal | - | - |
HandlingTime | string | - | - |
SupplierItemCode | string | - | - |
SplitForWarehousePicking | string | - | - |
EBayDescription | string | - | - |
PrimarySupplier | string | Supplier → SupplierID | - |
DisplayTemplate | string | - | - |
EditableKitBundle | boolean | - | - |
RequiresPackaging | boolean | - | - |
SEOPageTitle | string | - | - |
SEOMetaKeywords | string | - | - |
SEOPageHeading | string | - | - |
SEOMetaDescription | string | - | - |
SEOCanonicalURL | string | - | - |
IsAsset | boolean | - | - |
WhenToRepeatOnStanding | string | - | - |
SerialTracking | boolean | - | - |
Group | string | - | - |
ShippingCategory | string | - | - |
Job | string | - | - |
MonthlySpendRequirement | decimal | - | - |
RestrictedToUserGroup | string | - | - |
ItemURL | string | - | - |
AutomaticURL | boolean | - | - |
CommittedQuantity | decimal | - | - |
AvailableSellQuantity | decimal | - | - |
HSTariffNumber | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developers.maropost.com/documentation/engineers/api-documentation/rma/getrma
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
RmaID | long | - | - |
OrderID | string | Order → OrderID | - |
InvoiceNumber | string | - | - |
CustomerUsername | string | - | - |
StaffUsername | string | - | - |
PurchaseOrderNumber | string | - | - |
InternalNotes | string | - | - |
CurrencyCode | string | - | - |
RmaStatus | string | - | - |
ShippingRefundTaxCode | string | - | - |
ShippingRefundAmount | decimal | - | - |
SurchargeRefundAmount | decimal | - | - |
RefundSubtotal | decimal | - | - |
RefundTotal | decimal | - | - |
RefundTaxTotal | decimal | - | - |
RefundedTotal | decimal | - | - |
TaxInclusive | boolean | - | - |
DateIssued | datetime | - | - |
DateUpdated | datetime | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ProductRemoteID | string | Product → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
SalesChannelID | long | - | - |
SalesChannelName | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developers.maropost.com/documentation/engineers/api-documentation/shipping/getshippingmethods
Documentation: https://developers.maropost.com/documentation/engineers/api-documentation/suppliers/getsupplier/
Documentation: https://developers.maropost.com/documentation/engineers/api-documentation/warehouses/getwarehouse/
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ContentRemoteID | string | Content → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ParentID | long | Content → ID | - |
ContentID | long | Content → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
OrderRemoteID | string | Order → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
OrderID | string | Order → OrderID | - |
OrderLineID | string | - | - |
SKU | string | - | - |
ProductName | string | - | - |
ItemNotes | string | - | - |
SerialNumber | string | - | - |
TaxCode | string | - | - |
WarehouseID | string | - | - |
WarehouseReference | string | - | - |
Quantity | decimal | - | - |
UnitPrice | decimal | - | - |
PickQuantity | decimal | - | - |
BackorderQuantity | decimal | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
PercentDiscount | decimal | - | - |
ProductDiscount | decimal | - | - |
CouponDiscount | decimal | - | - |
CostPrice | decimal | - | - |
Weight | decimal | - | - |
Cubic | decimal | - | - |
QuantityShipped | decimal | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ProductRemoteID | string | Product → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
ProductID | long | Product → ID | - |
URL | string | - | - |
Timestamp | datetime | - | - |
ThumbURL | string | - | - |
MediumThumbURL | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ProductRemoteID | string | Product → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ProductID | long | Product → ID | - |
SalesChannelID | long | SalesChannel → SalesChannelID | - |
IsApproved | boolean | - | - |
SalesChannelName | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
RMARemoteID | string | RMA → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
RmaID | long | RMA → RmaID | - |
RmaLineID | string | - | - |
ItemNumber | string | - | - |
Extra | string | - | - |
ItemNotes | string | - | - |
SKU | string | - | - |
Quantity | decimal | - | - |
ProductName | string | - | - |
RefundSubtotal | decimal | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
TaxCode | string | - | - |
ResolutionOutcome | string | - | - |
ReturnReason | string | - | - |
ItemStatusType | string | - | - |
ItemStatus | string | - | - |
ResolutionStatus | string | - | - |
ManufacturerClaims | string | - | - |
ComponentOfKit | int | - | - |
KitPartID | long | - | - |
IsRestockIssued | boolean | - | - |
WarehouseID | long | Warehouse → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
RMARemoteID | string | RMA → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
RmaID | long | RMA → RmaID | - |
RefundID | long | - | - |
PaymentMethodID | long | - | - |
RefundAmount | decimal | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
RefundStatus | string | - | - |
SyncHub lives and breathes APIs and data. Keep exploring using the links below.