Pulling data from the Pipeline CRM API is only the first part of your reporting. You also need to understand the relationships between different endpoints - something that APIs typically fail to convey.
At SyncHub, we not only sync your Pipeline CRM API endpoints down into a reportable format, we also describe their relationships (e.g. in terms of foreign keys) so that you can quickly get a grasp of your data and how it fits together. This page is intended as technical documentation of these relationships.
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Account-notifications
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
UserID | long | User → ID | - |
AccountID | long | - | - |
Text | string | - | - |
Seen | boolean | - | - |
ReadAt | datetime | - | - |
HidePopup | boolean | - | - |
CreatedAt | datetime | - | - |
UpdatedAt | datetime | - | - |
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Calendar-Entries-(Tasks-and-Events)
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
OwnerID | long | User → ID | - |
BaseEntryID | long | CalendarEntry → ID | - |
PartOfRecurringSeries | boolean | - | - |
RecurrenceEnd | datetime | - | - |
Type | string | - | - |
CategoryID | long | EventCategory → ID | - |
StartTime | datetime | - | - |
EndTime | datetime | - | - |
AllDay | boolean | - | - |
DueDate | datetime | - | - |
Complete | boolean | - | - |
AssociationType | string | - | - |
AssociationID | long | - | - |
AssociatedDealID | long | Deal → ID | - |
AssociatedPersonID | long | Person → ID | - |
AssociatedCompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
CompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
Active | boolean | - | - |
Rrule | string | - | - |
Rdate | string | - | - |
Exrule | string | - | - |
Exdate | string | - | - |
CalendarEntryPriorityID | long | CalendarEntryPriority → ID | - |
CreatedAt | datetime | - | - |
UpdatedAt | datetime | - | - |
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Calendar-EventTask-Priorities
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Companies
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
ImageMobileUrl | string | - | - |
NextTaskName | string | - | - |
NextTaskID | long | CalendarEntry → ID | - |
string | - | - | |
Web | string | - | - |
Fax | string | - | - |
ImageThumbUrl | string | - | - |
Address1 | string | - | - |
Address2 | string | - | - |
City | string | - | - |
State | string | - | - |
PostalCode | string | - | - |
Country | string | - | - |
CompanyCountry | string | - | - |
FacebookUrl | string | - | - |
LinkedInUrl | string | - | - |
string | - | - | |
InstantMessage | string | - | - |
Phone1 | string | - | - |
Phone2 | string | - | - |
Phone3 | string | - | - |
Phone4 | string | - | - |
Phone1Desc | string | - | - |
Phone2Desc | string | - | - |
Phone3Desc | string | - | - |
Phone4Desc | string | - | - |
OwnerID | long | User → ID | - |
CreatedAt | datetime | - | - |
UpdatedAt | datetime | - | - |
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Company-tags
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Custom-field-label-dropdown-entries
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Deal-custom-field-groups
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Deal-custom-field-labels
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Person-custom-field-groups
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Person-custom-field-labels
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Company-custom-field-groups
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Company-custom-field-labels
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Deals
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
ImportID | long | - | - |
ExpectedCloseDateEventID | long | CalendarEntry → ID | - |
NextTaskID | long | CalendarEntry → ID | - |
UserID | long | User → ID | - |
PrimaryContactID | long | Person → ID | - |
CompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
SourceID | long | LeadSource → ID | - |
DealStageID | long | DealStage → ID | - |
DealLossReasonID | long | DealLossReason → ID | - |
DealWonReasonID | long | DealWonReason → ID | - |
Status | long | DealStatus → ID | - |
OwnerID | long | User → ID | - |
CurrencyName | string | - | - |
CurrencyCode | string | - | - |
CurrencySymbol | string | - | - |
NextTaskName | string | - | - |
NextTaskDue | string | - | - |
NextTaskAllDay | string | - | - |
Summary | string | - | - |
ExpectedCloseDate | datetime | - | - |
ClosedTime | datetime | - | - |
Value | decimal | - | - |
CompanyName | string | - | - |
Probability | decimal | - | - |
DealLossReasonNotes | string | - | - |
DealWonReasonNotes | string | - | - |
DealSource | long | - | - |
IsArchived | boolean | - | - |
CreatedAt | datetime | - | - |
UpdatedAt | datetime | - | - |
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Deal-loss-reasons
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Deal-stages
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Deal-statuses
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Deal-tags
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Deal-loss-reasons
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Files-(Documents)
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
SizeInK | long | - | - |
Etag | string | - | - |
UploadStatus | long | - | - |
UploadStatusErrorMessage | string | - | - |
UploadState | string | - | - |
PublicLink | string | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
OwnerID | long | User → ID | - |
PersonID | long | Person → ID | - |
DealID | long | Deal → ID | - |
Url | string | - | - |
CreatedAt | datetime | - | - |
UpdatedAt | datetime | - | - |
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/File-(document)-tags
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Event-categories
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Lead-sources
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Lead-statuses
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Activities-(Notes)
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
PersonID | long | Person → ID | - |
DealID | long | Deal → ID | - |
CompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
AccountID | long | - | - |
IsSentMessage | boolean | - | - |
IsPrivate | boolean | - | - |
PrimaryAssociationType | string | - | - |
PrimaryAssociationID | long | - | - |
PrimaryAssociatedDealID | long | Deal → ID | - |
PrimaryAssociatedPersonID | long | Person → ID | - |
PrimaryAssociatedCompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
UserID | long | User → ID | - |
CreatedByUserID | long | User → ID | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Content | string | - | - |
MilestoneID | long | - | - |
NoteCategoryID | long | NoteCategory → ID | - |
CreatedAt | datetime | - | - |
UpdatedAt | datetime | - | - |
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Note-categories
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/People
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
ImageMobileUrl | string | - | - |
NextTaskName | string | - | - |
NextTaskID | long | CalendarEntry → ID | - |
FirstName | string | - | - |
LastName | string | - | - |
FullName | string | - | - |
Summary | string | - | - |
Phone | string | - | - |
HomePhone | string | - | - |
Mobile | string | - | - |
Position | string | - | - |
Website | string | - | - |
string | - | - | |
Email2 | string | - | - |
HomeEmail | string | - | - |
CompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
UserID | long | User → ID | - |
LeadStatusID | long | LeadStatus → ID | - |
LeadSourceID | long | LeadSource → ID | - |
ImageThumbUrl | string | - | - |
WorkAddress1 | string | - | - |
WorkAddress2 | string | - | - |
WorkCity | string | - | - |
WorkState | string | - | - |
WorkCountry | string | - | - |
WorkPostalCode | string | - | - |
HomeAddress1 | string | - | - |
HomeAddress2 | string | - | - |
HomeCity | string | - | - |
HomeState | string | - | - |
HomeCountry | string | - | - |
HomePostalCode | string | - | - |
FacebookUrl | string | - | - |
LinkedInUrl | string | - | - |
string | - | - | |
InstantMessage | string | - | - |
Unsubscribed | boolean | - | - |
Bounced | boolean | - | - |
LastEmailedAt | datetime | - | - |
Relationship | string | - | - |
IsKeyContact | boolean | - | - |
CreatedAt | datetime | - | - |
UpdatedAt | datetime | - | - |
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Person-tags
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Teams
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
AccountID | long | - | - |
ParentID | long | Team → ID | - |
CreatedAt | datetime | - | - |
UpdatedAt | datetime | - | - |
Documentation: https://app.pipelinecrm.com/api/docs#tag/Users
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
TimeZone | string | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
AccountID | long | - | - |
FullName | string | - | - |
ApiKey | string | - | - |
LastSeenAt | datetime | - | - |
DeletedAt | datetime | - | - |
MfaRequestedAt | datetime | - | - |
DataReassignedAt | datetime | - | - |
ReassignDataToUserID | long | User → ID | - |
W2lid | string | - | - |
OtherEmailsCsv | string | - | - |
ManagerID | long | User → ID | - |
TeamID | long | Team → ID | - |
string | - | - | |
Level | long | - | - |
FirstName | string | - | - |
LastName | string | - | - |
IsAccountAdmin | boolean | - | - |
AvatarThumbUrl | string | - | - |
MobileNumber | string | - | - |
DateFormat | string | - | - |
TimeFormat | string | - | - |
IsAllowedToExport | boolean | - | - |
IsAllowedToDelete | boolean | - | - |
IsAllowedToSendCampaigns | boolean | - | - |
IsAllowedToMergeRecords | boolean | - | - |
IsGoogleAppsEnabled | boolean | - | - |
ReadOnly | boolean | - | - |
MfaEnabled | boolean | - | - |
CurrencyName | string | - | - |
CurrencyCode | string | - | - |
CurrencySymbol | string | - | - |
CurrencyDecimalPlaces | string | - | - |
CurrencyID | string | - | - |
CsvColumnSeparator | string | - | - |
CsvDecimalMark | string | - | - |
PipelineEmailClient | boolean | - | - |
CreatedAt | datetime | - | - |
UpdatedAt | datetime | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
CompanyRemoteID | string | Company → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | CompanyTag → ID | - |
Name | string | - | - |
CompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
CompanyRemoteID | string | Company → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
CompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
UserID | long | User → ID | - |
CreatedAt | datetime | - | - |
UpdatedAt | datetime | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
CompanyRemoteID | string | Company → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
CompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
CompanyCustomFieldLabelID | long | CompanyCustomFieldLabel → ID | - |
CustomFieldLabelDropdownEntryID | long | CustomFieldLabelDropdownEntry → ID | - |
DateValue | datetime | - | - |
NumericValue | decimal | - | - |
BooleanValue | boolean | - | - |
AssociatedCompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
TextValue | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
DealRemoteID | string | Deal → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
DealID | long | Deal → ID | - |
DealTagID | long | DealTag → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
DealRemoteID | string | Deal → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
DealID | long | Deal → ID | - |
PersonID | long | Person → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
DealRemoteID | string | Deal → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
DealID | long | Deal → ID | - |
UserID | long | User → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
DealRemoteID | string | Deal → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
DealID | long | Deal → ID | - |
DealCustomFieldLabelID | long | DealCustomFieldLabel → ID | - |
CustomFieldLabelDropdownEntryID | long | CustomFieldLabelDropdownEntry → ID | - |
DateValue | datetime | - | - |
NumericValue | decimal | - | - |
BooleanValue | boolean | - | - |
AssociatedCompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
TextValue | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
DocumentRemoteID | string | Document → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
DocumentID | long | Document → ID | - |
DocumentTagID | long | DocumentTag → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
NoteRemoteID | string | Note → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
NoteID | long | Note → ID | - |
UserID | long | User → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
NoteRemoteID | string | Note → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | Document → ID | - |
NoteID | long | Note → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
NoteRemoteID | string | Note → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
NoteID | long | Note → ID | - |
UserID | long | - | - |
Comment | string | - | - |
EditedByPersonID | long | - | - |
CreatedAt | datetime | - | - |
UpdatedAt | datetime | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PersonRemoteID | string | Person → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PersonID | long | Person → ID | - |
PersonTagID | long | PersonTag → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PersonRemoteID | string | Person → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
PersonID | long | Person → ID | - |
UserID | long | User → ID | - |
CreatedAt | datetime | - | - |
UpdatedAt | datetime | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PersonRemoteID | string | Person → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PersonID | long | Person → ID | - |
PersonCustomFieldLabelID | long | PersonCustomFieldLabel → ID | - |
CustomFieldLabelDropdownEntryID | long | CustomFieldLabelDropdownEntry → ID | - |
DateValue | datetime | - | - |
NumericValue | decimal | - | - |
BooleanValue | boolean | - | - |
AssociatedCompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
TextValue | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
CompanyCustomFieldValueRemoteID | string | CompanyCustomFieldValue → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
CompanyCustomFieldValueID | string | CompanyCustomFieldValue → RemoteID | - |
CompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
CompanyCustomFieldValueRemoteID | string | CompanyCustomFieldValue → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
CompanyCustomFieldValueID | string | CompanyCustomFieldValue → RemoteID | - |
CustomFieldLabelDropdownEntryID | long | CustomFieldLabelDropdownEntry → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
DealCustomFieldValueRemoteID | string | DealCustomFieldValue → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
DealCustomFieldValueID | string | DealCustomFieldValue → RemoteID | - |
CompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
DealCustomFieldValueRemoteID | string | DealCustomFieldValue → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
DealCustomFieldValueID | string | DealCustomFieldValue → RemoteID | - |
CustomFieldLabelDropdownEntryID | long | CustomFieldLabelDropdownEntry → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PersonCustomFieldValueRemoteID | string | PersonCustomFieldValue → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PersonCustomFieldValueID | string | PersonCustomFieldValue → RemoteID | - |
CompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PersonCustomFieldValueRemoteID | string | PersonCustomFieldValue → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PersonCustomFieldValueID | string | PersonCustomFieldValue → RemoteID | - |
CustomFieldLabelDropdownEntryID | long | CustomFieldLabelDropdownEntry → ID | - |
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