Pulling data from the Xero API is only the first part of your reporting. You also need to understand the relationships between different endpoints - something that APIs typically fail to convey.
At SyncHub, we not only sync your Xero API endpoints down into a reportable format, we also describe their relationships (e.g. in terms of foreign keys) so that you can quickly get a grasp of your data and how it fits together. This page is intended as technical documentation of these relationships.
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounts
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/banktransactions
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
TimeZone | string | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
BankTransactionID | guid | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
BankAccountID | guid | Account → AccountID | - |
Type | string | - | - |
Reference | string | - | - |
IsReconciled | boolean | - | - |
CurrencyRate | decimal | - | - |
HasAttachments | boolean | - | - |
ContactID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
DateString | string | - | - |
Date | datetime | - | - |
LineAmountTypes | string | - | - |
SubTotals | decimal | - | - |
TotalTax | decimal | - | - |
Total | decimal | - | - |
CurrencyCode | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounting/banktransactions
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
BankTransactionLineItemRemoteID | string | BankTransactionLineItem → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
BankTransactionLineItemID | guid | BankTransactionLineItem → LineItemID | - |
TrackingCategoryID | guid | TrackingCategory → TrackingCategoryID | - |
Option | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/bank-transfers
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
TimeZone | string | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
BankTransferID | guid | - | - |
CreatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
DateString | string | - | - |
Date | datetime | - | - |
FromBankAccountID | guid | Account → AccountID | - |
ToBankAccountID | guid | Account → AccountID | - |
Amount | decimal | - | - |
FromBankTransactionID | guid | BankTransaction → BankTransactionID | - |
ToBankTransactionID | guid | BankTransaction → BankTransactionID | - |
CurrencyRate | decimal | - | - |
HasAttachments | boolean | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounting/batchpayments/#overview
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
BatchPaymentID | guid | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
AccountID | guid | Account → AccountID | - |
DateString | datetime | - | - |
Date | datetime | - | - |
Reference | string | - | - |
Type | string | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
TotalAmount | decimal | - | - |
IsReconciled | boolean | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/budgets
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/contacts
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounting/contactgroups
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/credit-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
CreditNoteID | guid | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
Date | datetime | - | - |
LineAmountTypes | string | - | - |
Type | string | - | - |
SubTotal | decimal | - | - |
TotalTax | decimal | - | - |
Total | decimal | - | - |
CurrencyCode | string | - | - |
CreditNoteNumber | string | - | - |
Reference | string | - | - |
CurrencyRate | decimal | - | - |
RemainingCredit | decimal | - | - |
SentToContact | boolean | - | - |
HasAttachments | boolean | - | - |
FullyPaidOnDate | datetime | - |
ContactRemoteID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
LineItemsIncludeTax | boolean | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
CreditNoteRemoteID | string | CreditNote → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
CreditNoteID | guid | CreditNote → CreditNoteID | - |
LineItemNumber | int | - | - |
ItemCode | string | - | - |
UnitAmount | decimal | - | - |
TaxType | string | - | - |
TaxAmount | decimal | - | - |
LineAmount | decimal | - | - |
AccountCode | string | - | - |
Quantity | decimal | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
UnitPriceExTax | decimal | - | - |
TotalExTax | decimal | - | - |
TotalIncTax | decimal | - | - |
TaxRatePercentage | decimal | - | - |
ProductRemoteID | string | - | - |
TaxRateRemoteID | string | - | - |
LineItemsIncludeTax | boolean | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/invoices#TrackingCategory
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
CreditNoteItemRemoteID | string | CreditNoteItem → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
TrackingCategoryID | guid | TrackingCategory → TrackingCategoryID | - |
Option | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/employees
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ContactRemoteID | string | Contact → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ContactID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
BankTransactionRemoteID | string | BankTransaction → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
BankTransactionID | guid | BankTransaction → BankTransactionID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
BankTransferRemoteID | string | BankTransfer → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
BankTransferID | guid | BankTransfer → BankTransferID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
CreditNoteRemoteID | string | CreditNote → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
CreditNoteID | guid | CreditNote → CreditNoteID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ManualJournalRemoteID | string | ManualJournal → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ManualJournalID | guid | ManualJournal → ManualJournalID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
InvoiceRemoteID | string | Invoice → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
InvoiceID | guid | Invoice → InvoiceID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ItemRemoteID | string | Item → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ItemID | guid | Item → ItemID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PaymentRemoteID | string | Payment → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PaymentID | guid | Payment → PaymentID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PurchaseOrderRemoteID | string | PurchaseOrder → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PurchaseOrderID | guid | PurchaseOrder → PurchaseOrderID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
RepeatingInvoiceRemoteID | string | RepeatingInvoice → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
RepeatingInvoiceID | guid | RepeatingInvoice → RepeatingInvoiceID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
QuoteRemoteID | string | Quote → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
QuoteID | guid | Quote → QuoteID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
OverpaymentRemoteID | string | Overpayment → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
OverpaymentID | guid | Overpayment → OverpaymentID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PrepaymentRemoteID | string | Prepayment → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PrepaymentID | guid | Prepayment → PrepaymentID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/history-and-notes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
BatchPaymentRemoteID | string | BatchPayment → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
BatchPaymentID | guid | BatchPayment → BatchPaymentID | - |
DateUTC | datetime | - | - |
User | string | - | - |
Changes | string | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/invoices
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
TimeZone | string | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
InvoiceID | guid | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
Date | datetime | - |
DueDate | datetime | - | - |
LineAmountTypes | string | - | - |
Type | string | - | - |
RepeatingInvoiceID | guid | RepeatingInvoice → RepeatingInvoiceID |
TotalDiscount | decimal | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
SubTotal | decimal | - | - |
TotalTax | decimal | - | - |
Total | decimal | - | - |
CurrencyCode | string | - | - |
CurrencyRate | decimal | - | - |
InvoiceNumber | string | - | - |
Reference | string | - | - |
Url | string | - | - |
SentToContact | boolean | - | - |
AmountDue | decimal | - | - |
ExpectedPaymentDate | datetime | - |
PlannedPaymentDate | datetime | - |
HasAttachments | boolean | - | - |
FullyPaidOnDate | datetime | - | - |
BrandingThemeID | guid | - | - |
ContactID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
ContactRemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenPaid | datetime | - | - |
IsAccountsReceivable | boolean | - | - |
IsAccountsPayable | boolean | - | - |
LineItemsIncludeTax | boolean | - | - |
TotalExTax | decimal | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
TotalIncTax | decimal | - | - |
AmountPaid | decimal | - | - |
AmountCredited | decimal | - | - |
CustomerRemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenDue | datetime | - | - |
TaxRatePercentage | decimal | - | - |
TaxRateRemoteID | string | - | - |
IsSentToClient | boolean | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/invoices#LineItems
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
InvoiceRemoteID | string | Invoice → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
LineItemID | guid | - | - |
InvoiceID | guid | Invoice → InvoiceID | - |
DiscountRate | decimal | - | - |
DiscountPercentage | decimal | - | - |
DiscountAmount | decimal | - | - |
ItemCode | string | - | - |
UnitAmount | decimal | - | - |
TaxType | string | - | - |
TaxAmount | decimal | - | - |
LineAmount | decimal | - | - |
AccountCode | string | - | - |
Quantity | decimal | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
UnitPriceExTax | decimal | - | - |
TotalExTax | decimal | - | - |
TotalIncTax | decimal | - | - |
TaxRatePercentage | decimal | - | - |
ProductRemoteID | string | - | - |
TaxRateRemoteID | string | - | - |
LineItemsIncludeTax | boolean | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/invoices#TrackingCategory
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
InvoiceItemRemoteID | string | InvoiceItem → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
LineItemID | guid | InvoiceItem → LineItemID | - |
TrackingCategoryID | guid | TrackingCategory → TrackingCategoryID | - |
Option | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/items
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/journals
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/journals#JournalLines
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
JournalRemoteID | string | Journal → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
JournalLineID | guid | - | - |
JournalID | guid | Journal → JournalID | - |
AccountID | guid | Account → AccountID | - |
AccountCode | string | - | - |
AccountType | string | - | - |
AccountName | string | - | - |
NetAmount | decimal | - | - |
GrossAmount | decimal | - | - |
TaxAmount | decimal | - | - |
TaxType | string | - | - |
TaxName | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/expense-claims
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
LinkedTransactionID | guid | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
ExpenseClaimID | guid | - | - |
SourceTransactionID | guid | - | - |
SourceLineItemID | guid | - | - |
ContactID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
TargetTransactionID | guid | - |
TargetLineItemID | guid | - |
Status | string | - | - |
Type | string | - | - |
SourceTransactionTypeCode | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/manual-journals
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/organisation
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/overpayments
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
TimeZone | string | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
OverpaymentID | guid | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
Type | string | - | - |
RemainingCredit | decimal | - | - |
HasAttachments | boolean | - | - |
ContactID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
DateString | string | - | - |
Date | datetime | - | - |
LineAmountTypes | string | - | - |
SubTotal | decimal | - | - |
TotalTax | decimal | - | - |
Total | decimal | - | - |
CurrencyCode | string | - | - |
CurrencyRate | decimal | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/overpayments#LineItems
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
OverpaymentRemoteID | string | Overpayment → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
OverpaymentID | guid | Overpayment → OverpaymentID | - |
LineNumber | int | - | - |
ItemCode | string | - | - |
UnitAmount | decimal | - | - |
TaxType | string | - | - |
TaxAmount | decimal | - | - |
LineAmount | decimal | - | - |
AccountCode | string | - | - |
Quantity | decimal | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
UnitPriceExTax | decimal | - | - |
TotalExTax | decimal | - | - |
TotalIncTax | decimal | - | - |
TaxRatePercentage | decimal | - | - |
ProductRemoteID | string | - | - |
TaxRateRemoteID | string | - | - |
LineItemsIncludeTax | boolean | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payments
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
TimeZone | string | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PaymentID | guid | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
Number | int | - | - |
Tip | decimal | - | - |
InvoiceRemoteID | guid | Invoice → InvoiceID | - |
CreditNoteRemoteID | guid | CreditNote → CreditNoteID | - |
AccountRemoteID | guid | Account → AccountID | - |
Amount | decimal | - | - |
CurrencyRate | decimal | - | - |
IsReconciled | boolean | - | - |
Date | datetime | - | - |
Reference | string | - | - |
PaymentType | string | - | - |
BatchPaymentID | guid | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounting/prepayments
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PrepaymentID | guid | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
Type | string | - | - |
Reference | string | - | - |
RemainingCredit | decimal | - | - |
HasAttachments | boolean | - | - |
ContactID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
DateString | string | - | - |
Date | datetime | - | - |
LineAmountTypes | string | - | - |
SubTotal | decimal | - | - |
TotalTax | decimal | - | - |
Total | decimal | - | - |
CurrencyCode | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/prepayments#LineItems
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PrepaymentRemoteID | string | Prepayment → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
PrepaymentID | guid | Prepayment → PrepaymentID | - |
LineItemID | guid | - | - |
ItemCode | string | - | - |
UnitAmount | decimal | - | - |
TaxType | string | - | - |
TaxAmount | decimal | - | - |
LineAmount | decimal | - | - |
AccountCode | string | - | - |
Quantity | decimal | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
UnitPriceExTax | decimal | - | - |
TotalExTax | decimal | - | - |
TotalIncTax | decimal | - | - |
TaxRatePercentage | decimal | - | - |
ProductRemoteID | string | - | - |
TaxRateRemoteID | string | - | - |
LineItemsIncludeTax | boolean | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounting/prepayments#TrackingCategory
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PrepaymentItemRemoteID | string | PrepaymentItem → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
TrackingCategoryID | guid | TrackingCategory → TrackingCategoryID | - |
Option | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/purchase-orders
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PurchaseOrderID | guid | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
PurchaseOrderNumber | string | - | - |
DateString | string | - | - |
Date | datetime | - | - |
DeliveryDateString | string | - | - |
DeliveryDate | datetime | - | - |
DeliveryAddress | string | - | - |
AttentionTo | string | - | - |
Telephone | string | - | - |
DeliveryInstructions | string | - | - |
IsDiscounted | boolean | - | - |
Reference | string | - | - |
Type | string | - | - |
CurrencyCode | string | - | - |
CurrencyRate | decimal | - | - |
ContactID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
BrandingThemeID | guid | - | - |
LineAmountTypes | string | - | - |
SubTotal | decimal | - | - |
TotalTax | decimal | - | - |
Total | decimal | - | - |
HasErrors | boolean | - | - |
SentToContact | boolean | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/purchaseorders#TrackingCategory
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PurchaseOrderLineItemRemoteID | string | PurchaseOrderLineItem → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
PurchaseOrderLineItemID | guid | PurchaseOrderLineItem → LineItemID | - |
TrackingCategoryID | guid | TrackingCategory → TrackingCategoryID | - |
Option | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/quotes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
QuoteID | guid | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
QuoteNumber | string | - | - |
Reference | string | - | - |
Terms | string | - | - |
ContactRemoteID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
Date | datetime | - | - |
DateString | string | - | - |
ExpiryDate | datetime | - | - |
ExpiryDateString | string | - | - |
CurrencyRate | decimal | - | - |
CurrencyCode | string | - | - |
SubTotal | decimal | - | - |
TotalTax | decimal | - | - |
Total | decimal | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Summary | string | - | - |
BrandingThemeID | guid | - | - |
LineAmountTypes | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/quotes#LineItems
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
QuoteRemoteID | string | Quote → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
LineItemID | guid | - | - |
QuoteID | guid | Quote → QuoteID | - |
ItemCode | string | - | - |
UnitAmount | decimal | - | - |
TaxType | string | - | - |
TaxAmount | decimal | - | - |
LineAmount | decimal | - | - |
AccountCode | string | - | - |
Quantity | decimal | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
UnitPriceExTax | decimal | - | - |
TotalExTax | decimal | - | - |
TotalIncTax | decimal | - | - |
TaxRatePercentage | decimal | - | - |
ProductRemoteID | string | - | - |
TaxRateRemoteID | string | - | - |
LineItemsIncludeTax | boolean | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/quotes#TrackingCategory
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
QuoteItemRemoteID | string | QuoteItem → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
LineItemID | guid | QuoteItem → LineItemID | - |
TrackingCategoryID | guid | TrackingCategory → TrackingCategoryID | - |
Option | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/repeating-invoices
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
RepeatingInvoiceID | guid | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
TotalDiscount | decimal | - | - |
InvoiceNumber | string | - | - |
AmountDue | decimal | - | - |
AmountPaid | decimal | - | - |
AmountCredited | decimal | - | - |
IsAccountsReceivable | boolean | - | - |
IsAccountsPayable | boolean | - | - |
LineItemsIncludeTax | boolean | - | - |
TotalExTax | decimal | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
TotalIncTax | decimal | - | - |
CustomerRemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenDue | datetime | - | - |
WhenPaid | datetime | - | - |
TaxRatePercentage | decimal | - | - |
TaxRateRemoteID | string | - | - |
IsSentToClient | boolean | - | - |
LineAmountTypes | string | - | - |
Type | string | - | - |
SubTotal | decimal | - | - |
TotalTax | decimal | - | - |
Total | decimal | - | - |
CurrencyCode | string | - | - |
Reference | string | - | - |
HasAttachments | boolean | - | - |
ContactID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
SchedulePeriod | int | - | - |
ScheduleUnit | string | - | - |
ScheduleDueDateType | string | - | - |
ScheduleStartDate | datetime | - | - |
ScheduleEndDate | datetime | - | - |
ScheduleNextDate | datetime | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/repeating-invoices#LineItemsElements
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
RepeatingInvoiceRemoteID | string | RepeatingInvoice → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
LineItemID | guid | - | - |
DiscountRate | decimal | - | - |
RepeatingInvoiceID | guid | RepeatingInvoice → RepeatingInvoiceID | - |
DiscountPercentage | decimal | - | - |
DiscountAmount | decimal | - | - |
ItemCode | string | - | - |
UnitAmount | decimal | - | - |
TaxType | string | - | - |
TaxAmount | decimal | - | - |
LineAmount | decimal | - | - |
AccountCode | string | - | - |
Quantity | decimal | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
UnitPriceExTax | decimal | - | - |
TotalExTax | decimal | - | - |
TotalIncTax | decimal | - | - |
TaxRatePercentage | decimal | - | - |
ProductRemoteID | string | - | - |
TaxRateRemoteID | string | - | - |
LineItemsIncludeTax | boolean | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/invoices#TrackingCategory
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
RepeatingInvoiceItemRemoteID | string | RepeatingInvoiceItem → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
RepeatingLineItemID | guid | RepeatingInvoiceItem → LineItemID | - |
TrackingCategoryID | guid | - | - |
Option | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/tax-rates
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/tracking-categories
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/users
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounting/reports#balance-sheet
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounting/reports/#profit-and-loss
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounting/reports/#profit-and-loss
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounting/reports/#profit-and-loss
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounting/reports/#profit-and-loss
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/accounting/reports/#trial-balance
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
BankTransactionRemoteID | string | BankTransaction → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
LineItemID | guid | - | - |
BankTransactionID | guid | BankTransaction → BankTransactionID | - |
UnitAmount | decimal | - | - |
TaxType | string | - | - |
TaxAmount | decimal | - | - |
LineAmount | decimal | - | - |
AccountCode | string | - | - |
Quantity | decimal | - | - |
DiscountEnteredAsPercent | boolean | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
BatchPaymentRemoteID | string | BatchPayment → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
BatchPaymentID | guid | BatchPayment → BatchPaymentID | - |
PaymentID | guid | Payment → PaymentID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
BudgetRemoteID | string | Budget → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
TrackingCategoryID | guid | TrackingCategory → TrackingCategoryID | - |
BudgetID | guid | Budget → BudgetID | - |
Option | string | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ContactRemoteID | string | Contact → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ContactGroupID | guid | ContactGroup → ContactGroupID | - |
ContactID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ContactRemoteID | string | Contact → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ContactID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
AddressType | string | - | - |
City | string | - | - |
Region | string | - | - |
PostalCode | string | - | - |
Country | string | - | - |
AddressLine1 | string | - | - |
AddressLine2 | string | - | - |
AddressLine3 | string | - | - |
AddressLine4 | string | - | - |
AttentionTo | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ContactRemoteID | string | Contact → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ContactID | guid | Contact → ContactID | - |
PhoneType | string | - |
PhoneNumber | string | - | - |
PhoneAreaCode | string | - | - |
PhoneCountryCode | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
CreditNoteRemoteID | string | CreditNote → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
CreditNoteID | guid | CreditNote → CreditNoteID | - |
AllocationNumber | int | - |
Amount | decimal | - | - |
Date | datetime | - | - |
InvoiceID | guid | Invoice → InvoiceID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
JournalItemRemoteID | string | JournalItem → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
JournalItemID | guid | JournalItem → JournalLineID | - |
TrackingCategoryID | guid | TrackingCategory → TrackingCategoryID | - |
TrackingOptionID | guid | TrackingCategoryOption → TrackingOptionID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ManualJournalRemoteID | string | ManualJournal → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
ManualJournalID | guid | ManualJournal → ManualJournalID | - |
Position | int | - | - |
AccountID | guid | Account → AccountID | - |
TaxType | string | - | - |
TaxAmount | decimal | - | - |
LineAmount | decimal | - | - |
AccountCode | string | - | - |
IsBlank | boolean | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
OverpaymentRemoteID | string | Overpayment → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
OverpaymentID | guid | Overpayment → OverpaymentID | - |
SortOrder | int | - | - |
Amount | decimal | - | - |
Date | datetime | - | - |
AllocationInvoiceID | guid | Invoice → InvoiceID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PurchaseOrderRemoteID | string | PurchaseOrder → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
PurchaseOrderID | guid | PurchaseOrder → PurchaseOrderID | - |
LineItemID | guid | - | - |
UnitAmount | decimal | - | - |
TaxType | string | - | - |
TaxAmount | decimal | - | - |
LineAmount | decimal | - | - |
Quantity | decimal | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/tracking-categories#Options
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
TrackingCategoryRemoteID | string | TrackingCategory → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
TrackingOptionID | guid | - | - |
TrackingCategoryID | guid | TrackingCategory → TrackingCategoryID | - |
Status | string | - | - |
HasValidationErrors | boolean | - | - |
IsArchived | boolean | - | - |
IsActive | boolean | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ReportRowRemoteID | string | ReportRow → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Value | string | - | - |
AccountID | guid | Account → AccountID | - |
CellNumber | int | - | - |
ValueAsDecimal | decimal | - | - |
ValueAsDate | datetime | - | - |
ValueAsBoolean | boolean | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
BalanceSheetReportRemoteID | string | BalanceSheetReport → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ReportRemoteID | string | - | - |
ProfitAndLossReportByFiscalYearRemoteID | string | ProfitAndLossReportByFiscalYear → RemoteID | - |
ProfitAndLossReportByMonthAndTrackingCategoryRemoteID | string | ProfitAndLossReportByMonthAndTrackingCategory → RemoteID | - |
ProfitAndLossReportByFiscalYearAndTrackingCategoryRemoteID | string | ProfitAndLossReportByFiscalYearAndTrackingCategory → RemoteID | - |
ProfitAndLossReportByMonthRemoteID | string | ProfitAndLossReportByMonth → RemoteID | - |
TrialBalanceReportRemoteID | string | TrialBalanceReport → RemoteID | - |
ReportRowRemoteID | string | ReportRow → RemoteID | - |
ParentReportRowRemoteID | string | ReportRow → RemoteID |
RowNumber | int | - | - |
RowType | string | - | - |
Title | string | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
BudgetRemoteID | string | Budget → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
AccountID | guid | Account → AccountID | - |
Period | string | - | - |
BudgetID | guid | Budget → BudgetID | - |
Amount | decimal | - | - |
Notes | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ManualJournalLineItemRemoteID | string | ManualJournalLineItem → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ManualJournalItemRemoteID | string | ManualJournalLineItem → RemoteID | - |
TrackingCategoryID | guid | TrackingCategory → TrackingCategoryID | - |
TrackingOptionID | guid | TrackingCategoryOption → TrackingOptionID | - |
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