Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollau/payitems#get-payitems--elements-for-deductiontypes
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
DeductionTypeID |
guid |
UpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
DeductionCategory |
string |
AccountCode |
string |
ReducesTax |
boolean |
ReducesSuper |
boolean |
IsExemptFromW1 |
boolean |
CurrentRecord |
boolean |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollau/payitems
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
EarningsRateID |
guid |
UpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
EarningsType |
string |
RateType |
string |
AccountCode |
string |
TypeOfUnits |
string |
IsExemptFromTax |
boolean |
IsExemptFromSuper |
boolean |
IsReportableAsW1 |
boolean |
CurrentRecord |
boolean |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollau/employees
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
JobTitle |
string |
HomeAddressLine1 |
string |
HomeAddressCity |
string |
HomeAddressRegion |
string |
HomeAddressPostalCode |
string |
HomeAddressCountry |
string |
TaxDeclarationTaxFileNumber |
string |
TaxDeclarationEmploymentBasis |
string |
TaxDeclarationAustralianResidentForTaxPurposes |
boolean |
TaxDeclarationTaxFreeThresholdClaimed |
boolean |
TaxDeclarationHasHELPDebt |
boolean |
TaxDeclarationHasSFSSDebt |
boolean |
TaxDeclarationEligibleToReceiveLeaveLoading |
boolean |
TaxDeclarationUpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
TaxDeclarationResidencyStatus |
string |
TaxDeclarationHasLoanOrStudentDebt |
boolean |
TaxDeclarationTaxScaleType |
string |
Classification |
string |
IsAuthorisedToApproveLeave |
boolean |
IsAuthorisedToApproveTimesheets |
boolean |
IncomeType |
string |
EmploymentType |
string |
TerminationDate |
datetime |
TerminationReason |
string |
EmployeeGroupName |
string |
EmployeeID |
guid |
UpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
Status |
string |
FirstName |
string |
MiddleNames |
string |
LastName |
string |
Email |
string |
DateOfBirth |
datetime |
Gender |
string |
Phone |
string |
Mobile |
string |
StartDate |
datetime |
IsSTP2Qualified |
boolean |
OrdinaryEarningsRateID |
guid |
EarningsRate → EarningsRateID
PayrollCalendarID |
guid |
PayrollCalendar → PayrollCalendarID
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollau/leaveapplications
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
LeaveApplicationID |
guid |
UpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
EmployeeID |
guid |
Employee → EmployeeID
LeaveTypeID |
guid |
LeaveType → LeaveTypeID
Title |
string |
StartDate |
datetime |
EndDate |
datetime |
PayOutType |
string |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollau/payitems
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
LeaveTypeID |
guid |
UpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
TypeOfUnits |
string |
IsPaidLeave |
boolean |
ShowOnPayslip |
boolean |
CurrentRecord |
boolean |
LeaveCategoryCode |
string |
SGCExempt |
boolean |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollau/payrollcalendars
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
PayrollCalendarID |
guid |
UpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
CalendarType |
string |
StartDate |
datetime |
PaymentDate |
datetime |
ReferenceDate |
datetime |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollau/payruns
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PayRunID |
guid |
UpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
PayRunPeriodStartDate |
datetime |
PayRunPeriodEndDate |
datetime |
PaymentDate |
datetime |
Wages |
decimal |
Deductions |
decimal |
Tax |
decimal |
Super |
decimal |
Reimbursement |
decimal |
NetPay |
decimal |
PayRunStatus |
string |
PayrollCalendarID |
guid |
PayrollCalendar → PayrollCalendarID
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollau/payslip
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PayRunRemoteID |
string |
PayRun → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PayslipID |
guid |
PayRunID |
guid |
UpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
EmployeeID |
guid |
Employee → EmployeeID
LastEdited |
datetime |
Wages |
decimal |
Deductions |
decimal |
Tax |
decimal |
Super |
decimal |
Reimbursements |
decimal |
NetPay |
decimal |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollau/payitems
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
ReimbursementTypeID |
guid |
UpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
AccountCode |
string |
CurrentRecord |
boolean |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollau/payruns
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
SuperFundID |
guid |
UpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
Type |
string |
string |
string |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollau/timesheets/#elements-for-timesheetlines
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
TimesheetID |
guid |
UpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
StartDate |
datetime |
EndDate |
datetime |
Status |
string |
Hours |
decimal |
EmployeeID |
guid |
Employee → EmployeeID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
EmployeeRemoteID |
string |
Employee → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
EmployeeID |
guid |
Employee → EmployeeID
SuperMembershipID |
guid |
SuperFundID |
guid |
SuperFund → SuperFundID
EmployeeNumber |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
EmployeeRemoteID |
string |
Employee → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
EmployeeID |
guid |
Employee → EmployeeID
LeaveTypeID |
guid |
LeaveType → LeaveTypeID
NumberOfUnits |
decimal |
TypeOfUnits |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
LeaveApplicationRemoteID |
string |
LeaveApplication → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
LeaveApplicationID |
guid |
LeaveApplication → LeaveApplicationID
PayPeriodStartDate |
datetime |
PayPeriodEndDate |
datetime |
LeavePeriodStatus |
string |
NumberOfUnits |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PayslipRemoteID |
string |
Payslip → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PayslipID |
guid |
Payslip → PayslipID
LineNumber |
int |
EarningsRateID |
guid |
EarningsRate → EarningsRateID
RatePerUnit |
decimal |
NumberOfUnits |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PayslipRemoteID |
string |
Payslip → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PayslipID |
guid |
Payslip → PayslipID
LineNumber |
int |
EarningsRateID |
guid |
EarningsRate → EarningsRateID
RatePerUnit |
decimal |
NumberOfUnits |
decimal |
PayOutType |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PayslipRemoteID |
string |
Payslip → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PayslipID |
guid |
Payslip → PayslipID
LineNumber |
int |
EarningsRateID |
guid |
EarningsRate → EarningsRateID
RatePerUnit |
decimal |
NumberOfUnits |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PayslipRemoteID |
string |
Payslip → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PayslipID |
guid |
Payslip → PayslipID
LineNumber |
int |
Amount |
decimal |
CalculationType |
string |
DeductionTypeID |
guid |
DeductionType → DeductionTypeID
Percentage |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PayslipRemoteID |
string |
Payslip → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PayslipID |
guid |
Payslip → PayslipID
LineNumber |
int |
LeaveTypeID |
guid |
LeaveType → LeaveTypeID
NumberOfUnits |
decimal |
AutoCalculate |
boolean |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PayslipRemoteID |
string |
Payslip → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Description |
string |
PayslipID |
guid |
Payslip → PayslipID
LineNumber |
int |
ReimbursementTypeID |
guid |
ReimbursementType → ReimbursementTypeID
Amount |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PayslipRemoteID |
string |
Payslip → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Description |
string |
PayslipID |
guid |
Payslip → PayslipID
LineNumber |
int |
PayslipTaxLineID |
guid |
TaxTypeName |
string |
Amount |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PayslipRemoteID |
string |
Payslip → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PayslipID |
guid |
Payslip → PayslipID
LineNumber |
int |
SuperMembershipID |
guid |
ContributionType |
string |
CalculationType |
string |
MinimumMonthlyEarnings |
decimal |
ExpenseAccountCode |
string |
LiabilityAccountCode |
string |
PaymentDateForThisPeriod |
datetime |
Percentage |
decimal |
Amount |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
TimesheetRemoteID |
string |
Timesheet → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
TimesheetID |
guid |
Timesheet → TimesheetID
LineNumber |
int |
UpdatedDateUTC |
datetime |
EarningsRateID |
guid |
EarningsRate → EarningsRateID
TotalNumberOfUnits |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
TimesheetLineRemoteID |
string |
TimesheetLine → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Date |
datetime |
NumberOfUnits |
decimal |