Pulling data from the Xero Payroll UK API is only the first part of your reporting. You also need to understand the relationships between different endpoints - something that APIs typically fail to convey.
At SyncHub, we not only sync your Xero Payroll UK API endpoints down into a reportable format, we also describe their relationships (e.g. in terms of foreign keys) so that you can quickly get a grasp of your data and how it fits together. This page is intended as technical documentation of these relationships.
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrolluk/settings
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrolluk/earningrates
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrolluk/employees
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
NationalInsuranceNumber | string | - | - |
NiCategory | string | - | - |
EmployeeNumber | string | - | - |
EmployeeID | guid | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
CreatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
FirstName | string | - | - |
LastName | string | - | - |
DateOfBirth | datetime | - | - |
Gender | string | - | - |
string | - | - | |
PhoneNumber | string | - | - |
StartDate | datetime | - | - |
EndDate | datetime | - | - |
IsOffPayrollWorker | boolean | - | - |
AddressLine1 | string | - | - |
AddressLine2 | string | - | - |
AddressCity | string | - | - |
AddressCounty | string | - | - |
AddressCountryName | string | - | - |
AddressPostCode | string | - | - |
PayrollCalendarID | guid | PayrollCalendar → PayrollCalendarID | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrolluk/employeeleave
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
EmployeeRemoteID | string | Employee → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
EmployeeID | guid | Employee → EmployeeID | - |
LeaveID | guid | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
LeaveTypeID | guid | LeaveType → LeaveTypeID | - |
StartDate | datetime | - | - |
EndDate | datetime | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollUK/leavebalances
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
EmployeeRemoteID | string | Employee → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
EmployeeID | guid | Employee → EmployeeID | - |
LeaveTypeID | guid | LeaveType → LeaveTypeID | - |
Balance | decimal | - | - |
TypeOfUnits | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollUK/employeeleavetypes
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
EmployeeRemoteID | string | Employee → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
EmployeeID | guid | Employee → EmployeeID | - |
LeaveTypeID | guid | LeaveType → LeaveTypeID | - |
ScheduleOfAccrual | string | - | - |
HoursAccruedAnnually | decimal | - | - |
MaximumToAccrue | decimal | - | - |
OpeningBalance | decimal | - | - |
RateAccruedHourly | decimal | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollUK/leavebalances
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
EmployeeRemoteID | string | Employee → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
EmployeeID | guid | Employee → EmployeeID | - |
SalaryAndWagesID | guid | - | - |
EarningsRateID | guid | EarningsRate → EarningsRateID | - |
NumberOfUnitsPerWeek | decimal | - | - |
RatePerUnit | decimal | - | - |
NumberOfUnitsPerDay | decimal | - | - |
DaysPerWeek | decimal | - | - |
EffectiveFrom | datetime | - | - |
AnnualSalary | decimal | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
PaymentType | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollUK/leavetypes
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollUK/payruns
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PayRunID | guid | - | - |
PostedDateTime | datetime | - | - |
PayrollCalendarID | guid | PayrollCalendar → PayrollCalendarID | - |
PeriodStartDate | datetime | - | - |
PeriodEndDate | datetime | - | - |
PaymentDate | datetime | - | - |
TotalCost | decimal | - | - |
TotalPay | decimal | - | - |
PayRunStatus | string | - | - |
PayRunType | string | - | - |
CalendarType | string | - | - |
PayslipMessage | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollUK/payruncalendars
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrolluk/payslips
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PayRunRemoteID | string | PayRun → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PayRunID | guid | - | - |
PayslipID | guid | - | - |
EmployeeID | guid | Employee → EmployeeID | - |
LastEdited | datetime | - | - |
TotalEarnings | decimal | - | - |
GrossEarnings | decimal | - | - |
TotalPay | decimal | - | - |
TotalEmployerTaxes | decimal | - | - |
TotalEmployeeTaxes | decimal | - | - |
TotalDeductions | decimal | - | - |
TotalReimbursements | decimal | - | - |
TotalCourtOrders | decimal | - | - |
TotalBenefits | decimal | - | - |
BacsHash | string | - | - |
PaymentMethod | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrolluk/reimbursements
Documentation: https://developer.xero.com/documentation/api/payrollUK/timesheets
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
TimesheetID | guid | - | - |
UpdatedDateUTC | datetime | - | - |
PayrollCalendarID | guid | PayrollCalendar → PayrollCalendarID | - |
EmployeeID | guid | Employee → EmployeeID | - |
StartDate | datetime | - | - |
EndDate | datetime | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
TotalHours | decimal | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
EmployeeLeaveRemoteID | string | EmployeeLeave → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
LeaveID | guid | EmployeeLeave → LeaveID | - |
LineNumber | int | - | - |
PeriodStartDate | datetime | - | - |
PeriodEndDate | datetime | - | - |
NumberOfUnits | string | - | - |
PeriodStatus | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PayslipRemoteID | string | Payslip → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PayslipID | guid | Payslip → PayslipID | - |
EarningsLineID | guid | - | - |
EarningsRateID | guid | EarningsRate → EarningsRateID | - |
DisplayName | string | - | - |
RatePerUnit | decimal | - | - |
NumberOfUnits | decimal | - | - |
FixedAmount | decimal | - | - |
Amount | decimal | - | - |
IsLinkedToTimesheet | boolean | - | - |
IsAverageDailyPayRate | boolean | - | - |
IsSystemGenerated | boolean | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PayslipRemoteID | string | Payslip → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PayslipID | guid | Payslip → PayslipID | - |
LeaveTypeID | guid | - | - |
NumberOfUnits | decimal | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PayslipRemoteID | string | Payslip → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
PayslipID | guid | Payslip → PayslipID | - |
PaymentLineID | guid | - | - |
Amount | decimal | - | - |
AccountNumber | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PayslipRemoteID | string | Payslip → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
PayslipID | guid | Payslip → PayslipID | - |
TaxLineID | guid | - | - |
Amount | decimal | - | - |
GlobalTaxTypeID | int | - | - |
ManualAdjustment | boolean | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
PayslipRemoteID | string | Payslip → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
PayslipID | guid | Payslip → PayslipID | - |
TaxLineID | guid | - | - |
Amount | decimal | - | - |
GlobalTaxTypeID | int | - | - |
ManualAdjustment | boolean | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
TimesheetRemoteID | string | Timesheet → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
TimesheetID | guid | Timesheet → TimesheetID | - |
TimesheetLineID | guid | - | - |
Date | datetime | - | - |
EarningsRateID | guid | EarningsRate → EarningsRateID | - |
TrackingItemID | guid | - |
NumberOfUnits | decimal | - | - |
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