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Development Partner Program

Get access to the features and connectors you want

A picture of a consultant

SyncHub is releasing new connectors every week, but our release schedule and priorities may not align with your own. Our Development Partner Program to the rescue!

  • Skip to the front of SyncHub's release queue and get access to your cloud service data in days instead of months
  • Work with our developers to ensure you are getting the data you need
  • Pricing starts at USD$5,000 (plus tax, if required)

* Free offer only available for third-party cloud services (ie. not custom/legacy/on-premise systems). SyncHub has the right to offer the completed connector to other customers for use. SyncHub owns and retains all and any IP developed during the production of the connector. SyncHub has the right to evaluate connector viability and confirm/decline on a case-by-case basis.

Contact us to discuss