Pulling data from the Accelo API is only the first part of your reporting. You also need to understand the relationships between different endpoints - something that APIs typically fail to convey.
At SyncHub, we not only sync your Accelo API endpoints down into a reportable format, we also describe their relationships (e.g. in terms of foreign keys) so that you can quickly get a grasp of your data and how it fits together. This page is intended as technical documentation of these relationships.
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#activities
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
DateCreated | datetime | - | - |
DateModified | datetime | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
InvoiceID | long | Invoice → ID | - |
RateCharged | decimal | - | - |
OwnerType | string | - | - |
OwnerID | long | - | - |
OwnerStaffID | long | Staff → ID | - |
OwnerAffiliationID | long | Affiliation → ID | - |
Confidential | int | - | - |
Details | string | - | - |
ContractPeriodID | string | - |
ThreadID | long | Activity → ID | - |
DateStarted | long | - |
DateEnded | long | - |
WhenStarted | datetime | - |
WhenEnded | datetime | - |
Body | string | - | - |
Subject | string | - | - |
AgainstType | string | - | - |
AgainstID | long | - | - |
StaffID | long | Staff → ID | - |
AffiliationID | long | Affiliation → ID | - |
RequestID | long | - |
Task | long | - |
Visibility | string | - | - |
Billable | long | - | - |
Nonbillable | long | - | - |
Medium | string | - | - |
ParentID | long | Activity → ID | - |
Rate | long | Rate → ID | - |
Staff | long | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#addresses
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Full | string | - | - |
CustomID | string | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Street1 | string | - | - |
Street2 | string | - | - |
City | string | - | - |
StateID | long | State → ID | - |
CountryID | long | Country → ID | - |
Postal | string | - | - |
Physical | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#affiliations
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Mobile | string | - | - |
string | - | - | |
Fax | string | - | - |
Position | string | - | - |
Phone | string | - | - |
PostalAddress | long | - | - |
PhysicalAddress | long | - | - |
Company | long | Company → ID | - |
Contact | long | Contact → ID | - |
StatusID | long | AffiliationStatus → ID | - |
DateLastInteracted | long | - | - |
StaffBookmarked | boolean | - | - |
PortalAccess | string | - | - |
InvoiceMethod | string | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
DateCreated | long | - | - |
DateModified | long | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#assets
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
AssetLinkID | long | - | - |
LinkStartDate | datetime | - | - |
LinkEndDate | datetime | - | - |
LinkedJobID | long | Job → ID | - |
LinkedIssueID | long | Issue → ID | - |
LinkedProspectID | long | Prospect → ID | - |
LinkedContractID | long | - | - |
Fax | string | - | - |
DateCreated | long | - | - |
AgainstType | string | - | - |
AgainstID | long | - | - |
AssetTypeID | long | - | - |
Affiliation | long | Affiliation → ID | - |
AffiliationID | long | - | - |
ManagerID | long | Staff → ID | - |
AddressID | long | Address → ID | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#list-asset-types
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#companies
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Name | string | - | - |
CustomID | string | - | - |
Website | string | - | - |
Phone | string | - | - |
Fax | string | - | - |
DateLastInteracted | long | - | - |
Comments | string | - | - |
WhenLastInteracted | datetime | - | - |
PostalAddress | long | - | - |
CompanyStatusID | long | CompanyStatus → ID | - |
StaffBookmarked | boolean | - | - |
DefaultAffiliation | long | Affiliation → ID | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
DateCreated | long | - | - |
DateModified | long | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#contacts
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Firstname | string | - | - |
Lastname | string | - | - |
Username | string | - | - |
Middlename | string | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Timezone | string | - | - |
DateLastInteracted | long | - | - |
Comments | string | - | - |
WhenLastInteracted | datetime | - | - |
DefaultAffiliation | long | Affiliation → ID | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
DateCreated | long | - | - |
DateModified | long | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#extensions-custom-fields
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
FieldName | string | - | - |
FieldType | string | - | - |
LinkTypeID | long | AssetType → ID | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#extensions-custom-fields
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
FieldName | string | - | - |
FieldType | string | - | - |
LinkTypeID | long | JobType → ID | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#extensions-custom-fields
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#extensions-custom-fields
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#divisions
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#expenses
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
DateIncurred | datetime | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
UnitCost | decimal | - | - |
Quantity | decimal | - | - |
Price | decimal | - | - |
ActivityID | long | Activity → ID | - |
TypeID | long | Expense → ID | - |
SubmitterID | long | Staff → ID | - |
Billable | string | - | - |
Reimbursable | string | - | - |
AgainstType | string | - | - |
AgainstID | long | - | - |
JobID | long | Job → ID | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#get-expense-type
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#filters
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Shared | string | - | - |
ObjectType | string | - | - |
StaffID | long | Staff → ID | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#groups
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
ParentID | long | Group → ID | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#invoices
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Amount | decimal | - | - |
Subject | string | - | - |
AgainstType | string | - | - |
AgainstID | long | - | - |
CompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
JobID | long | Job → ID | - |
Notes | string | - | - |
InvoiceNumber | string | - |
CurrencyID | long | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
Outstanding | decimal | - | - |
OwnerID | long | Staff → ID | - |
ModifiedBy | long | Staff → ID | - |
DateRaised | long | - | - |
DateModified | long | - | - |
DateDue | long | - | - |
AffiliationContact | long | Contact → ID | - |
Affiliation | long | Affiliation → ID | - |
AffiliationID | long | Affiliation → ID | - |
CreatorID | long | Staff → ID | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#invoices
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
InvoiceRemoteID | string | Invoice → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
Type | string | - | - |
Quantity | decimal | - | - |
Rate | decimal | - | - |
Total | decimal | - | - |
Tax | decimal | - | - |
InvoiceID | long | Invoice → ID | - |
LedgerID | long | - | - |
TaxID | long | - | - |
Ordering | long | - | - |
LineItemLedger | long | - | - |
LineItemTax | decimal | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#issues-tickets
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
CustomID | string | - | - |
AgainstType | string | - | - |
AgainstID | long | - | - |
CompanyID | long | Company → ID | - |
DateLastInteracted | long | - | - |
DateDue | long | - | - |
WhenLastInteracted | datetime | - | - |
WhenDue | datetime | - | - |
IssueType | long | - | - |
Class | long | - | - |
IssuePriority | long | - | - |
Resolution | long | - | - |
ResolutionDetail | string | - | - |
Affiliation | long | Affiliation → ID | - |
StatusID | long | IssueStatus → ID | - |
DateSubmitted | long | - | - |
WhenSubmitted | datetime | - | - |
SubmittedBy | long | Staff → ID | - |
DateOpened | long | - | - |
WhenOpened | datetime | - | - |
OpenedBy | long | Staff → ID | - |
DateResolved | long | - | - |
WhenResolved | datetime | - | - |
ResolvedBy | long | Staff → ID | - |
DateClosed | long | - | - |
WhenClosed | datetime | - | - |
ClosedBy | long | Staff → ID | - |
ReferrerID | long | - | - |
ReferrerType | string | - | - |
StaffBookmarked | boolean | - | - |
BillableSeconds | long | - | - |
Company | long | Company → ID | - |
Assignee | long | Staff → ID | - |
Contract | long | - | - |
IssueObjectBudget | long | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
DateCreated | long | - | - |
DateModified | long | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#jobs
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
AgainstType | string | - | - |
AgainstID | int | - | - |
CustomID | string | - | - |
Paused | int | - | - |
StaffBookmarked | boolean | - | - |
DateLastInteracted | long | - | - |
DateStarted | long | - | - |
DateCommenced | long | - | - |
DateDue | long | - | - |
DateCompleted | long | - | - |
Type | int | - | - |
Manager | long | Staff → ID | - |
ModifiedBy | long | Staff → ID | - |
Rate | long | Rate → ID | - |
Company | long | Company → ID | - |
JobObjectBudget | long | - | - |
JobContract | long | - | - |
JobObjectSchedule | long | - | - |
Affiliation | long | - | - |
StatusID | long | JobStatus → ID | - |
JobTypeID | long | JobType → ID | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
DateCreated | long | - | - |
DateModified | long | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#the-profile-field-object
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#jobs
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
JobRemoteID | string | Job → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Ordering | int | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#milestones
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
DateCreated | datetime | - | - |
DateModified | datetime | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
DateStarted | long | - | - |
DateCommenced | long | - | - |
DateDue | long | - | - |
DateCompleted | long | - | - |
Job | long | Job → ID | - |
Manager | long | Staff → ID | - |
Status | long | - |
Parent | long | Milestone → ID | - |
Rate | long | Rate → ID | - |
RateCharged | decimal | - | - |
MilestoneObjectBudget | long | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#the-object-budget
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#payments
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
DateCreated | datetime | - | - |
Direction | string | - | - |
Amount | decimal | - | - |
ReceiptID | long | - | - |
MethodID | long | - | - |
CurrencyID | long | - | - |
CreatedByStaffID | long | Staff → ID | - |
AgainstType | string | - | - |
AgainstID | long | - | - |
InvoiceID | long | Invoice → ID | - |
PurchaseID | long | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#prospects-sales
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
DateActioned | long | - | - |
WhenActioned | datetime | - | - |
DateDue | long | - | - |
WhenDue | datetime | - | - |
DateLastInteracted | long | - | - |
WhenLastInteracted | datetime | - | - |
Value | decimal | - | - |
Success | boolean | - | - |
Comments | string | - | - |
Progress | decimal | - | - |
ValueWeighted | long | - | - |
StaffBookmarked | boolean | - | - |
WonByID | long | Staff → ID | - |
CancelledByID | long | Staff → ID | - |
AbandonedByID | long | Staff → ID | - |
Manager | long | Staff → ID | - |
StatusID | long | ProspectStatus → ID | - |
Affiliation | long | Affiliation → ID | - |
ProspectTypeID | long | - | - |
ProspectProbabilityID | long | - | - |
Weighting | long | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
DateCreated | long | - | - |
DateModified | long | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#rates
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#staff
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#statuses
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
AffiliationRemoteID | string | Affiliation → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Color | string | - | - |
Ordering | long | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#statuses
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
CompanyRemoteID | string | Company → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Color | string | - | - |
Ordering | long | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#statuses
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
IssueRemoteID | string | Issue → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Color | string | - | - |
Ordering | long | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#statuses
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
JobRemoteID | string | Job → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Color | string | - | - |
Ordering | long | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#statuses
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ProspectRemoteID | string | Prospect → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Color | string | - | - |
Ordering | long | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#statuses
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
TaskRemoteID | string | Task → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Color | string | - | - |
Ordering | long | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#tags
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#tasks
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Description | string | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Billable | int | - | - |
Nonbillable | int | - | - |
Logged | int | - | - |
Budgeted | int | - | - |
Remaining | int | - | - |
StaffBookmarked | boolean | - | - |
DateCommenced | long | - | - |
DateAccepted | long | - | - |
DateDue | long | - | - |
DateCompleted | long | - | - |
AgainstID | long | - | - |
AgainstType | string | - | - |
CreatorType | string | - | - |
Creator | long | Staff → ID | - |
TaskTitle | string | - | - |
TaskStanding | string | - | - |
TaskOrdering | long | - | - |
Manager | long | Staff → ID | - |
Contact | long | Contact → ID | - |
Affiliation | long | Affiliation → ID | - |
StatusID | long | TaskStatus → ID | - |
Company | long | Company → ID | - |
Issue | long | Issue → ID | - |
TaskJob | long | Job → ID | - |
TastObjectSchedule | long | - | - |
TastObjectScheduleID | long | - | - |
RateID | long | Rate → ID | - |
RateCharged | decimal | - | - |
Ordering | long | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
DateCreated | long | - | - |
DateModified | long | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#the-time-allocation-object
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ActivityRemoteID | string | Activity → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
ActivityID | long | Activity → ID | - |
Against | string | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Billable | long | - | - |
Nonbillable | long | - | - |
Charged | decimal | - | - |
Comments | string | - | - |
DateCreated | long | - | - |
DateLocked | long | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#the-activity-priority
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ActivityRemoteID | string | Activity → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
ActivityID | long | Activity → ID | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Level | int | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#the-activity-class
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ActivityRemoteID | string | Activity → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
ActivityID | long | Activity → ID | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Parent | long | - | - |
Status | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#activity-interactions
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ActivityRemoteID | string | Activity → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
InteractID | long | - | - |
ActivityID | long | Activity → ID | - |
StaffID | long | Staff → ID | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#activity-interactions
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ActivityRemoteID | string | Activity → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
InteractID | long | - | - |
ActivityID | long | Activity → ID | - |
ContactID | long | Contact → ID | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#addresses
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
AddressRemoteID | string | Address → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Prefix | string | - | - |
Suffix | string | - | - |
PostcodeName | string | - | - |
StateName | string | - | - |
PostcodeRequired | string | - | - |
StateRequired | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#addresses
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
AddressRemoteID | string | Address → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Timezone | string | - | - |
Abbreviation | string | - | - |
Ordering | int | - | - |
CountryID | long | Country → ID | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
AssetRemoteID | string | Asset → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
AssetID | long | Asset → ID | - |
AssetCustomFieldID | long | AssetCustomField → ID | - |
Value | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
AssetCustomFieldRemoteID | string | AssetCustomField → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
CustomFieldID | long | AssetCustomField → ID | - |
LineNumber | int | - | - |
Value | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
JobCustomFieldRemoteID | string | JobCustomField → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
CustomFieldID | long | JobCustomField → ID | - |
LineNumber | int | - | - |
Value | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
IssueCustomFieldRemoteID | string | IssueCustomField → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
CustomFieldID | long | IssueCustomField → ID | - |
LineNumber | int | - | - |
Value | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ProspectCustomFieldRemoteID | string | ProspectCustomField → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
CustomFieldID | long | ProspectCustomField → ID | - |
LineNumber | int | - | - |
Value | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
IssueRemoteID | string | Issue → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
IssueID | long | Issue → ID | - |
IssueCustomFieldID | long | IssueCustomField → ID | - |
Value | string | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
JobRemoteID | string | Job → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
JobID | long | Job → ID | - |
JobCustomFieldID | long | JobCustomField → ID | - |
Value | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#the-profile-value-object
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
JobRemoteID | string | Job → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
LinkID | long | Job → ID | - |
FieldID | long | JobProfileField → ID | - |
FieldName | string | - | - |
FieldType | string | - | - |
Value | string | - | - |
ValueType | string | - | - |
DateModified | long | - | - |
ModifiedBy | long | Staff → ID | - |
LinkType | string | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#prospects-sales
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ProspectRemoteID | string | Prospect → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Parent | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Standing | string | - | - |
Ordering | long | - | - |
Documentation: https://api.accelo.com/docs/#prospects-sales
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ProspectRemoteID | string | Prospect → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
Value | long | - | - |
Title | string | - | - |
Ordering | long | - | - |
Column | Type | Relates to | Notes |
RemoteID | string | - | - |
ProspectRemoteID | string | Prospect → RemoteID | - |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore | datetime | - | - |
MirrorRemoteID | int | - | - |
IsDeleted | boolean | - | - |
WhenCreated | datetime | - | - |
WhenModified | datetime | - | - |
ID | long | - | - |
ProspectID | long | Prospect → ID | - |
ProspectCustomFieldID | long | ProspectCustomField → ID | - |
Value | string | - | - |
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