Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/accounting/accounting-period/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
StartDate |
datetime |
EndDate |
datetime |
ClosedByUserID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
ClosedDate |
datetime |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/product/brand/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Description |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/product/channel-brand/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
ChannelBrandID |
int |
AddressBookID |
int |
CompanyName |
string |
CompanyNumber |
string |
Telephone |
string |
EmailAddress |
string |
AccountingEmailAddress |
string |
BankAccountNumber |
string |
BankSortCode |
string |
BankSwift |
string |
VatNumber |
string |
BankName |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/contact/company/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
UpdatedOn |
datetime |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/contact/contact-group/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
long |
Name |
string |
CreatedBy |
long |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
IsReadOnly |
boolean |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ContactGroupRemoteID |
string |
ContactGroup → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ContactGroupID |
long |
ContactGroup → ID
ContactID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/contact/contact/index.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ContactID |
int |
FirstName |
string |
LastName |
string |
TradeStatus |
string |
CreatedByid |
int |
Contact → ContactID
CompanyID |
int |
Company → ID
IsPrimaryContact |
boolean |
IsSupplier |
boolean |
IsStaff |
boolean |
PrimaryEmail |
string |
SecondaryEmail |
string |
TertiaryEmail |
string |
PrimaryPhone |
string |
SecondaryPhone |
string |
MobilePhone |
string |
CurrentAssignmentStaffOwnerContactID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
CurrentAssignmentDepartmentID |
int |
CurrentAssignmentLeadSourceID |
int |
LeadSource → ID
CurrentAssignmentContactGroupID |
int |
CurrentAssignmentAccountReference |
string |
CreditLimit |
decimal |
CreditTermDays |
decimal |
CurrencyID |
int |
Currency → ID
DiscountPercentage |
decimal |
PriceListID |
int |
TaxCodeID |
int |
TaxCode → ID
NominalCode |
string |
TaxNumber |
string |
DefaultAddressID |
int |
PostalAddress → AddressID
DeliveryAddressID |
int |
PostalAddress → AddressID
BillingAddressID |
int |
PostalAddress → AddressID
CurrentContactStatus |
string |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
UpdatedOn |
datetime |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/contact/custom-field-meta-data/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Code |
string |
CustomFieldType |
string |
Required |
boolean |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/contact/custom-field-meta-data/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
TagID |
int |
TagName |
string |
TagParentID |
int |
ContactTag → TagID
TagColor |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/accounting/currency/search.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
PrimaryKeyName |
string |
Title |
string |
Code |
string |
Symbol |
string |
ExchangeRate |
decimal |
IsDefault |
boolean |
ExchangeRateVarianceNominalCode |
string |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
UpdatedOn |
datetime |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/accounting/customer-payment/search.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
PrimaryKeyName |
string |
TransactionRef |
string |
TransactionCode |
string |
PaymentMethodCode |
string |
PaymentType |
string |
OrderID |
int |
Order → ID
CurrencyID |
int |
Currency → ID
AmountAuthorized |
decimal |
AmountPaid |
decimal |
Expires |
datetime |
PaymentDate |
datetime |
JournalID |
int |
Journal → ID
CreatedOn |
datetime |
UpdatedOn |
datetime |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/warehouse/goods-movement/search.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
GoodsMovementID |
int |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
SalesOrderRowID |
int |
OrderRow → OrderRowID
PurchaseOrderRowID |
int |
Quantity |
int |
DestinationLocationID |
int |
WarehouseLocation → ID
WarehouseID |
int |
Warehouse → ID
GoodsNoteID |
int |
OrderGoodsNote → GoodsNoteID
ProductValue |
string |
CurrencyCode |
string |
IsCleared |
boolean |
IsQuarantine |
boolean |
BatchID |
int |
GoodsNoteTypeCode |
string |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
UpdatedOn |
datetime |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/warehouse/goods-in-note/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
GoodsNoteID |
int |
OrderID |
int |
Order → ID
Transfer |
boolean |
GoodsNoteStatus |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/warehouse/goods-out-note/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
GoodsOutNoteID |
long |
OrderID |
int |
Order → ID
WarehouseID |
int |
Warehouse → ID
TargetWarehouseID |
int |
Warehouse → ID
Transfer |
boolean |
Priority |
boolean |
Shipped |
boolean |
Packed |
boolean |
Picked |
boolean |
Printed |
boolean |
PickedOn |
datetime |
PackedOn |
datetime |
ShippedOn |
datetime |
PrintedOn |
datetime |
PickedByID |
int |
PackedByID |
int |
ShippedByID |
int |
PrintedByID |
int |
ShippingReference |
string |
ShippingBoxes |
int |
ShippingMethodID |
int |
ShippingMethod → ID
ShippingWeight |
decimal |
ReleaseDate |
datetime |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
CreatedBy |
int |
StockTransferID |
int |
StockTransfer → StockTransferID
Sequence |
int |
LabelUri |
string |
LastEventVersion |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/accounting/journal/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Description |
string |
ContactID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
JournalTypeCode |
string |
TaxDate |
datetime |
DueDate |
datetime |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
ExchangeRate |
decimal |
CurrencyID |
int |
Currency → ID
CreatedByContactID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
TaxReconciliationDate |
datetime |
TaxReconciliationTaxPeriodID |
int |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/contact/lead-source/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
IsActive |
boolean |
OwnerID |
int |
ParentID |
int |
LeadSource → ID
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/accounting/nominal-code/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Code |
string |
TypeID |
int |
Bank |
boolean |
Expense |
boolean |
Discount |
boolean |
Editable |
boolean |
Active |
boolean |
TaxCode |
int |
TaxCode → ID
ChartMapCode |
string |
Reconcile |
boolean |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/order/order/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Version |
int |
Acknowledged |
boolean |
OrderTypeCode |
string |
OrderType → Code
Reference |
string |
OrderPaymentStatus |
string |
StockStatusCode |
string |
OrderStockStatus → Code
AllocationStatusCode |
string |
ShippingStatusCode |
string |
OrderShippingStatus → Code
PriceModeCode |
string |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
UpdatedOn |
datetime |
PlacedOn |
datetime |
ClosedOn |
datetime |
IsDropship |
boolean |
OrderStatusID |
int |
OrderStatus → StatusID
SupplierContactID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
BillingContactID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
DeliveryAddressFullName |
string |
DeliveryCompanyName |
string |
DeliveryAddressLine1 |
string |
DeliveryAddressLine2 |
string |
DeliveryAddressLine3 |
string |
DeliveryAddressLine4 |
string |
DeliveryPostalCode |
string |
DeliveryCountry |
string |
DeliveryCountryIsoCode |
string |
DeliveryCountryIsoCode3 |
string |
DeliveryTelephone |
string |
DeliveryMobileTelephone |
string |
DeliveryEmail |
string |
BillingAddressFullName |
string |
BillingCompanyName |
string |
BillingAddressLine1 |
string |
BillingAddressLine2 |
string |
BillingAddressLine3 |
string |
BillingAddressLine4 |
string |
BillingPostalCode |
string |
BillingCountry |
string |
BillingCountryIsoCode |
string |
BillingCountryIsoCode3 |
string |
BillingTelephone |
string |
BillingMobileTelephone |
string |
BillingEmail |
string |
SupplierAddressFullName |
string |
SupplierCompanyName |
string |
SupplierAddressLine1 |
string |
SupplierAddressLine2 |
string |
SupplierAddressLine3 |
string |
SupplierAddressLine4 |
string |
SupplierPostalCode |
string |
SupplierCountry |
string |
SupplierCountryIsoCode |
string |
SupplierCountryIsoCode3 |
string |
SupplierTelephone |
string |
SupplierMobileTelephone |
string |
SupplierEmail |
string |
DeliveryDate |
datetime |
ShippingMethodID |
int |
ShippingMethod → ID
ParentOrderID |
int |
Order → ID
CreatedByID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
WarehouseID |
int |
Warehouse → ID
CurrentStaffOwnerContactID |
int |
CurrentProjectID |
int |
CurrentChannelID |
int |
ProductChannel → ID
CurrentLeadSourceID |
int |
LeadSource → ID
CurrentTeamID |
int |
Net |
decimal |
TaxAmount |
decimal |
BaseNet |
decimal |
BaseTaxAmount |
decimal |
BaseTotal |
decimal |
Total |
decimal |
AccountingCurrencyCode |
string |
OrderCurrencyCode |
string |
ExchangeRate |
decimal |
FixedExchangeRate |
boolean |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/order/customfield-metadata/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Code |
string |
CustomFieldType |
string |
Required |
boolean |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/order/order-status/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
StatusID |
int |
SortOrder |
int |
RemindAfterDays |
int |
OrderTypeCode |
string |
Color |
string |
EmailContent |
string |
State |
string |
Disabled |
boolean |
Visible |
boolean |
BatchProcess |
boolean |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/order/order-stock-status/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Description |
string |
Code |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/order/order-shipping-status/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Description |
string |
Code |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/order/order-type/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Description |
string |
Code |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/accounting/sale-payment-total/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
OrderID |
int |
Order → ID
PaymentCurrency |
string |
AmountPaid |
decimal |
AmountAuthorized |
decimal |
AmountCaptured |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/accounting/payment-method/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
IsActive |
boolean |
Code |
string |
InstalledIntegrationID |
int |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ContactRemoteID |
string |
Contact → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
AddressID |
int |
ContactID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
AddressLine1 |
string |
AddressLine2 |
string |
AddressLine3 |
string |
AddressLine4 |
string |
PostalCode |
string |
CountryIsoCode |
string |
CountryIsoCode2 |
string |
CountryID |
int |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/product/price-list/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Code |
string |
CurrencyID |
int |
Currency → ID
PriceListTypeCode |
string |
Gross |
boolean |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
SeasonID |
int |
Season → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
CategoryID |
int |
ProductCategory → ID
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/product/product/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
DefaultProductName |
string |
BrandID |
int |
Brand → ID
CollectionID |
int |
PrimarySupplierID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
ProductGroupID |
long |
ProductGroup → ProductGroupID
Version |
long |
Status |
string |
ProductTypeID |
int |
ProductType → ID
NominalCodeStock |
string |
NominalCodePurchases |
string |
NominalCodeSales |
string |
Featured |
boolean |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
UpdatedOn |
datetime |
StockTracked |
boolean |
WeightMagnitude |
decimal |
StockLength |
decimal |
StockWidth |
decimal |
StockHeight |
decimal |
StockVolume |
decimal |
Sku |
string |
Isbn |
string |
Mpn |
string |
Ean |
string |
Upc |
string |
Barcode |
string |
TaxCodeID |
int |
TaxCode → ID
TaxCodeCode |
string |
IsBundle |
boolean |
ReportingCategoryID |
int |
ReportingSubCategoryID |
int |
ReportingSeasonID |
int |
InStockTotal |
decimal |
OnHandTotal |
decimal |
AllocatedTotal |
decimal |
InTransitTotal |
decimal |
OnOrderTotal |
decimal |
OnOrderShipped |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/warehouse/product-availability/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
WarehouseID |
int |
Warehouse → ID
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
InStock |
decimal |
OnHand |
decimal |
Allocated |
decimal |
InTransit |
decimal |
OnOrderTotal |
decimal |
OnOrderShipped |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/product/brightpearl-category/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
ParentID |
int |
ProductCategory → ID
Active |
boolean |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
CreatedByID |
int |
UpdatedOn |
datetime |
UpdatedByID |
int |
DescriptionLanguageCode |
string |
DescriptionText |
string |
DescriptionFormat |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/product/channel/index.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
ChannelTypeID |
int |
DefaultWarehouseID |
int |
ContactGroupID |
int |
DefaultPriceListID |
int |
PriceList → ID
ChannelBrandID |
int |
ChannelBrand → ChannelBrandID
ShowInChannelMenu |
boolean |
InstalledIntegrationID |
int |
ConfigSetID |
int |
ProviderCode |
string |
IntegrationTypeCode |
string |
Active |
boolean |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/product/product-custom-field/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Code |
string |
CustomFieldType |
string |
Required |
boolean |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/product/product-supplier/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ContactID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/product/product-type/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/product/option/search.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/contact/project/index.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
Name |
string |
ProjectID |
long |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/product/season/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Description |
string |
DateFrom |
datetime |
DateTo |
datetime |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/warehouse/shipping-method/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
Code |
string |
Breaks |
string |
MethodType |
string |
AdditionalInformationRequired |
string |
Carrier |
string |
Countries |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/warehouse/stock-transfer/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
StockTransferID |
int |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
SourceWarehouseID |
int |
Warehouse → ID
TargetWarehouseID |
int |
Warehouse → ID
GoodsOutNoteID |
int |
Reference |
string |
CreatedBy |
int |
Contact → ContactID
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/accounting/supplier-payment/search.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
PrimaryKeyName |
string |
TransactionRef |
string |
PaymentMethodCode |
string |
PaymentType |
string |
OrderID |
int |
Order → ID
CurrencyID |
int |
Currency → ID
AmountPaid |
decimal |
PaymentDate |
datetime |
JournalID |
int |
Journal → ID
CreatedOn |
datetime |
UpdatedOn |
datetime |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/accounting/tax-code/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Description |
string |
Code |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WarehouseRemoteID |
string |
Warehouse → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
ZoneID |
int |
WarehouseID |
int |
Warehouse → ID
GroupingA |
string |
GroupingB |
string |
GroupingC |
string |
GroupingD |
string |
FullName |
string |
Barcode |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/warehouse/warehouse/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Name |
string |
TypeCode |
string |
TypeDescription |
string |
LogisticsName |
string |
ClickAndCollectEnabled |
boolean |
CollectionSlaValue |
int |
CollectionSlaTimeUnits |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodTimeZone |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay1OpeningHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay1ClosingHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay2OpeningHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay2ClosingHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay3OpeningHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay3ClosingHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay4OpeningHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay4ClosingHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay5OpeningHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay5ClosingHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay6OpeningHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay6ClosingHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay7OpeningHours |
string |
WeeklyOperatingPeriodDay7ClosingHours |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ContactRemoteID |
string |
Contact → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ContactID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
ContactTagID |
int |
ContactTag → TagID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ContactCustomFieldRemoteID |
string |
ContactCustomField → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
CustomFieldID |
int |
ContactCustomField → ID
Value |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderGoodsNoteRemoteID |
string |
OrderGoodsNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
GoodsNoteID |
int |
OrderGoodsNote → GoodsNoteID
MovementLineNumber |
int |
Currency |
string |
Value |
decimal |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
SalesOrderRowID |
int |
OrderRow → OrderRowID
PurchaseOrderRowID |
int |
Quantity |
decimal |
WarehouseID |
int |
Warehouse → ID
DestinationLocationID |
int |
WarehouseLocation → ID
BatchGoodsNoteID |
int |
Cleared |
boolean |
ValueConfirmed |
boolean |
Allocated |
boolean |
Quarantine |
boolean |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
CreatedBy |
int |
UpdatedOn |
datetime |
UpdatedBy |
int |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderGoodsOutNoteRemoteID |
string |
OrderGoodsOutNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
OrderGoodsOutNoteID |
string |
OrderGoodsOutNote → RemoteID
Iterator |
long |
OrderRowID |
long |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
Quantity |
decimal |
LocationID |
long |
UserBatchReference |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderGoodsOutNoteRemoteID |
string |
OrderGoodsOutNote → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
OrderGoodsOutNoteID |
string |
OrderGoodsOutNote → RemoteID
Iterator |
int |
Occured |
datetime |
EventOwnerID |
int |
EventCode |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
JournalRemoteID |
string |
Journal → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
JournalID |
int |
Journal → ID
LineNumber |
int |
AssignmentChannelID |
int |
AssignmentProjectID |
long |
AssignmentLeadSourceID |
long |
NominalCode |
string |
OrderID |
int |
Order → ID
InvoiceReference |
string |
TaxCode |
string |
TransactionAmount |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
JournalRemoteID |
string |
Journal → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
JournalID |
int |
Journal → ID
LineNumber |
int |
AssignmentChannelID |
int |
AssignmentProjectID |
long |
AssignmentLeadSourceID |
long |
NominalCode |
string |
OrderID |
int |
Order → ID
InvoiceReference |
string |
TaxCode |
string |
TransactionAmount |
decimal |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/order/order-customfields/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
OrderID |
int |
Order → ID
InvoiceReference |
string |
TaxDate |
datetime |
DueDate |
datetime |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/order/landed%20cost%20estimate/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
OrderID |
int |
Order → ID
OrderRowID |
int |
OrderRow → OrderRowID
UnitAdjustmentOriginalCurrency |
decimal |
UnitAdjustmentBaseCurrency |
decimal |
PayableSupplierID |
int |
Contact → ContactID
Reference |
string |
NominalCode |
string |
CurrencyID |
int |
Currency → ID
PoRowQty |
decimal |
ExchangeRate |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
OrderRowID |
int |
OrderID |
int |
Order → ID
OrderRowSequence |
string |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
ProductName |
string |
NominalCode |
string |
DiscountPercentage |
decimal |
BundleChild |
boolean |
BundleParent |
boolean |
ParentOrderRowID |
int |
OrderRow → OrderRowID
Qty |
decimal |
UnitPrice |
decimal |
CostValue |
decimal |
NetValue |
decimal |
TaxValue |
decimal |
TaxRate |
decimal |
TaxCode |
string |
Currency |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderCustomFieldRemoteID |
string |
OrderCustomField → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
Value |
string |
CustomFieldID |
int |
OrderCustomField → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
PaymentMethodRemoteID |
string |
PaymentMethod → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
PaymentMethodID |
int |
PaymentMethod → ID
BankAccountNominalCode |
string |
CurrencyIsoCode |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ParentProductID |
int |
Product → ID
BundledProductID |
int |
Product → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductGroupID |
long |
CreatedBy |
long |
CreatedOn |
datetime |
DisplayAsGrid |
boolean |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
WarehouseID |
long |
DefaultLocationID |
int |
WarehouseLocation → ID
OverflowLocationID |
int |
WarehouseLocation → ID
ReorderLevel |
int |
ReorderQuantity |
int |
MappedChildKeyPropertyName |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductWarehouseAvailabilityRemoteID |
string |
ProductWarehouseAvailability → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
LocationID |
int |
WarehouseLocation → ID
InStock |
decimal |
OnHand |
decimal |
Allocated |
decimal |
InTransit |
decimal |
OnOrderTotal |
decimal |
OnOrderShipped |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductChannelRemoteID |
string |
ProductChannel → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
WarehouseID |
int |
Warehouse → ID
ProductChannelID |
int |
ProductChannel → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductCustomFieldRemoteID |
string |
ProductCustomField → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ID |
int |
CustomFieldID |
int |
ProductCustomField → ID
Value |
string |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductRemoteID |
string |
Product → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
PriceListID |
int |
PriceList → ID
Sku |
string |
QuantityBreak |
int |
UnitPriceExTax |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductTypeRemoteID |
string |
ProductType → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductVariationID |
int |
ProductVariation → ID
ProductTypeID |
int |
ProductType → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ProductVariationRemoteID |
string |
ProductVariation → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
OptionValueID |
int |
OptionValueName |
string |
SortOrder |
int |
ProductVariationID |
int |
ProductVariation → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ShippingMethodRemoteID |
string |
ShippingMethod → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ShippingMethodID |
int |
ShippingMethod → ID
Break |
decimal |
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
ShippingMethodRemoteID |
string |
ShippingMethod → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ShippingMethodID |
int |
ShippingMethod → ID
CountryCode |
string |
Documentation: https://api-docs.brightpearl.com/warehouse/reservation/get.html
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRemoteID |
string |
Order → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
ProductID |
int |
Product → ID
Quantity |
decimal |
OrderRowID |
int |
OrderID |
int |
Order → ID
WarehouseID |
int |
Warehouse → ID
Column |
Type |
Relates to |
Notes |
RemoteID |
string |
OrderRowRemoteID |
string |
OrderRow → RemoteID
WhenUpsertedIntoDataStore |
datetime |
MirrorRemoteID |
int |
IsDeleted |
boolean |
WhenCreated |
datetime |
WhenModified |
datetime |
OrderRowID |
int |
OrderRow → OrderRowID
VariationName |
string |
Value |
string |