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Data Model Explorer

Our **Data Model Explorer** provides an _Entity Relationship Diagram_ (ERD) of your Cin7 Core (Dear Inventory) data, allowing you to see the relationships between your different tables. ### Navigating 1. Drag tables around the workspace, by clicking and dragging anywhere on a table 1. Drag the entire workspace around by clicking and dragging the background 1. Minimize/maximize your workspace to take up your entire browser screen ### Relationships Relationships are depicted by the arrows running between table properties. For a tidier view, you may select the _Relationships Only_ checkbox, which will hide all the other columns which are not part of a relationship ### Endpoints - Attachment - Chart of account - Customer - Disassembly - Factory calendar - Finished good - Location - Product - Product availability - Product category - Product family - Product family production b o m - Production order - Production order run - Product production b o m - Purchase attachment - Purchase - Purchase inventory movement - Purchase invoice line - Purchase invoice - Purchase order line - Purchase payment - Purchase stock received line - Purchase stock received - Sale attachment - Sale - Sale credit note - Sale fulfilment - Sale fulfilment pick pack line - Sale fulfilment ship line - Sale inventory movement - Sale invoice - Sale invoice line - Sale invoice additional charge - Sale order line - Sale payment - Sale quote line - Sale quote additional charge - Supplier - Work center - Customer product - Customer contact - Customer address - Customer tag - Disassembly pick line - Disassembly order line - Disassembly order service line - Factory calendar day - Factory calendar special day - Finished good order line - Finished good pick line - Location bin - Location pick zone - Product tag - Product reorder level - Product supplier - Product movement - Product custom price - Product b o m product - Product price tier - Product b o m service - Product family product - Product family tag - Product family production b o m operation - Product production b o m operation - Sale credit note line - Sale credit note additional charge - Sale credit note refund - Sale credit note restock - Supplier contact - Supplier address - Work center location