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Data Model Explorer

Our **Data Model Explorer** provides an _Entity Relationship Diagram_ (ERD) of your Xero Practice Manager data, allowing you to see the relationships between your different tables. ### Navigating 1. Drag tables around the workspace, by clicking and dragging anywhere on a table 1. Drag the entire workspace around by clicking and dragging the background 1. Minimize/maximize your workspace to take up your entire browser screen ### Relationships Relationships are depicted by the arrows running between table properties. For a tidier view, you may select the _Relationships Only_ checkbox, which will hide all the other columns which are not part of a relationship ### Endpoints - Category - Client custom field - Client details - Client document - Client group details - Contact - Cost - Custom field definition - Invoice - Job cost - Job cost custom field - Job custom field - Job details - Job task custom field - Quote - Staff - Task - Template - Time - Time custom field - Client contact - Client note - Client - Custom field definition option - Invoice task - Invoice cost - Invoice payment - Job task - Milestone - Note - Job assignee - Purchase order details cost - Quote task - Quote cost - Quote option - Job task assignee - Comment