2024 is the year of the connector - vote here

Knowledge base

Your connection dashboard

Each of your connections has its very own dashboard, which can be accessed from the [connections page](/kb/quickstartguide?api=salesforce). The dashboard shows all the data tables/API endpoints being synced from that particular account of your cloud software. Each table has a **progress bar**. When you add a new connection, the progress bars will all gradually move towards today’s date as it [pulls your historical data](/kb/importingyourhistoricaldata?api=salesforce). Selecting a **table name** shows you a summary of that table. From here you can adjust [how regularly](/kb/howsynchubworks?api=salesforce) your data is synced (run frequency) as well as the [amount of data pulled](/kb/howsynchubworks?api=salesforce) during each sync (run size). Some tables may have **sub-tables** listed below them. These represent nested data and are synced at the same time as the parent table. Hovering over a table's progress bar displays a number of buttons: - **Sync now** manually forces a run to start instead of waiting for the next scheduled run. This can be useful when testing the optimum [run size](/kb/howsynchubworks?api=salesforce). - **Preview** displays a random sample of the data in that table. This shows how the data will look in your reporting tool. - **Run every [time period]** shows you how frequently the data for that table is being synced. We call this the [run frequency](/kb/howsynchubworks?api=salesforce). - **History** shows the [sync history](/kb/viewingsynchistory?api=salesforce) of the items in that table. There are also a number of buttons in the top right corner: - **Browse API** allows you to make specific calls to your software's API to test what results are returned. This is in JSON format. - **Sync all** manually forces [a run](/kb/howsynchubworks?api=salesforce) to start for all tables. - **Disconnect** will remove SyncHub’s authorisation to sync your data for that connection. - **Start reporting** offers a preview of all your data for that connection and allows you to view your database credentials. Enter those credentials into your BI platform to start reporting.