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ODBC Connection

You can connect to your SyncHub data warehouse via a Windows ODBC Data Connection, using these simple steps. First, you'll need to [get your database credentials](/kb/startreporting?api=salesforce). Next, select your ODBC connections from your Start menu: ![](https://api.synchub.io/Media/RenderFile?&documentGuid=c57483e8-d108-42e7-82ef-5150e0865562&clientID=4&) You can use the User or System DSN, but if in doubt, we recommend choosing for System: ![](https://api.synchub.io/Media/RenderFile?&documentGuid=bdff5dc8-6c36-4d69-93b2-4b2bdfe6197b&clientID=4&) Select the ODBC Driver for SQL Server. In our example, we have version 17 available, however, other versions should work as well. Note: - do **not** select the raw _SQL Server_ options, as these do not allow database-level access) - if you don't see an option for _ODBC Driver for SQL Server_, then you may [download the latest ODBC drivers from Microsoft](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/connect/odbc/download-odbc-driver-for-sql-server?view=sql-server-ver16) ![](https://api.synchub.io/Media/RenderFile?&documentGuid=e72951f7-e3f1-4bde-a038-02d6661a579e&clientID=4&) Enter the server name obtained from your database credentials: ![](https://api.synchub.io/Media/RenderFile?&documentGuid=740c8993-4cab-493b-a367-474bef4a8a33&clientID=4&) **Important:** Use the SQL Server Authentication option for your credentials... ![](https://api.synchub.io/Media/RenderFile?&documentGuid=b0f24ddc-db60-4648-b105-a09ba66e8cd3&clientID=4&) **Also very important:** Make sure you provide the database name obtained from your database credentials too: ![](https://api.synchub.io/Media/RenderFile?&documentGuid=0fa049ca-1600-439c-9f3d-8f0d6659ba4c&clientID=4&) That's it! All other options may be left as their defaults.