Start reporting
To begin reporting, you'll first need to get your **Database Credentials** so you can connect to our data warehouse:
1. Open the relevant Dashboard from your [Connection Hub](/kb/quickstartguide?api=daylite)
2. On your Dashboard, hit the **Start Reporting** button towards the top of the screen, then hit **View Credentials**
3. Take a copy of the provided credentials
4. Use the standard _Database Connector_ from your favourite reporting tool to connect to your data (we have specific instructions for popular tools - [Power BI](/kb/powerbi?api=daylite), [Excel](/kb/excel?api=daylite), [Microsoft Access](/kb/msaccess?api=daylite), and [Tableau](/kb/tableau?api=daylite), or even a raw [ODBC connection](/kb/odbc?api=daylite).)