Restricting IP access via your database firewall
Your data warehouse is protected with a secure login, available only to you. For most, this level of security is sufficient, however we also offer IP-whitelisting via your database firewall.
To configure, simply open your [Datastore Manager](/kb/datastoremanagement?api=daylite), then switch to the Security settings:
### White-listing IP addresses
To allow only certain addresses, simply begin adding them via our editor. You can add a single address, or an IP range.
If you have a single IP address registered, then **all other IP addresses are blacklisted by default**.
### Allowing unrestricted access
> **Note:** This is a valid use case, but we don't recommend granting full access unless you absolutely need to
If you have a dynamic IP, or some other scenario where your IP is not predictable, then you can simply remove all IP addresses. SyncHub will assume access is granted for all IP addresses.