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Data Model Explorer

Our **Data Model Explorer** provides an _Entity Relationship Diagram_ (ERD) of your simPRO data, allowing you to see the relationships between your different tables. ### Navigating 1. Drag tables around the workspace, by clicking and dragging anywhere on a table 1. Drag the entire workspace around by clicking and dragging the background 1. Minimize/maximize your workspace to take up your entire browser screen ### Relationships Relationships are depicted by the arrows running between table properties. For a tidier view, you may select the _Relationships Only_ checkbox, which will hide all the other columns which are not part of a relationship ### Endpoints - Activity - Activity schedule - Advanced commission - Asset - Asset service level - Asset type - Asset type asset test reading - Asset type custom field - Basic commission - Catalog - Catalog group - Company - Company recurring job - Contact - Contact log - Contractor - Contractor invoice - Contractor job - Contractor job log - Contractor timesheet - Cost center - Credit note - Individual customer - Company customer - Customer asset - Invoice log - Customer log - Customer payment - Customer tag - Custom field - Employee - Employee licence - Invoice - Job - Job attachment file - Job attachment folder - Job card - Job log - Job section - Job section cost center - Job section cost center asset - Job section cost center catalog - Job section cost center contractor job - Job section cost center labor - Job section cost center one off - Job section cost center prebuild - Job section cost center service fee - Job section cost center stock - Labor rate - Lead - Mobile status log - Plant and equipment - Plant type - Pre build group - Project tag - Purchase order - Purchase order item - Purchase order log - Purchase order receipt - Purchase order receipt catalog - Purchase order receipt credit - Quote - Quote attachment file - Quote attachment folder - Quote log - Quote section - Quote section cost center - Quote section cost center asset - Quote section cost center catalog - Quote section cost center labour - Quote section cost center one off - Quote section cost center prebuild - Quote section cost center service fee - Recurring invoice - Recurring invoice log - Response time - Schedule - Schedule log - Schedule rate - Set price pre build - Site - Standard price pre build - Customer invoice status code - Project status code - Purchase order status code - Storage device - Task - Timesheet - Vendor - Asset service date - Asset test result - Asset custom field value - Catalog custom field - Linked catalog - Catalog vendor - Company recurring job additional contact - Company recurring job technician - Company recurring job tag - Company recurring job custom field value - Contact custom field - Contractor custom field - Contractor invoice contractor job - Contractor invoice cost center - Contractor invoice retention - Contractor invoice variance - Contractor job custom field value - Credit note custom field - Credit note job - Credit note cost center - Individual customer preferred tech - Individual customer site - Individual customer contract - Individual customer custom filed - Individual customer tag - Company customer contact - Company customer preferred tech - Company customer site - Company customer contract - Company customer custom filed - Company customer tag - Customer asset custom field - Customer payment invoice - Employee assigned cost center - Employee zone - Employee custom field - Invoice custom field - Invoice job - Invoice item - Invoice cost center - Invoice retainage - Job custom field - Job additional contact - Job tag - Job technician - Job linked variation - Job card asset - Job card block - Job card custom field value - Job section cost center contractor job catalog - Job section cost center contractor job pre build - Job section cost center stock storage - Lead tag - Lead additional customer - Lead additional contact - Lead custom field - Plant and equipment custom field value - Plant and equipment job - Plant type custom field - Purchase order custom field - Purchase order item allocation - Purchase order receipt catalog allocation - Purchase order receipt credit item - Quote custom field - Quote technician - Quote tag - Schedule block - Set price pre build catalog - Site contact - Site customer - Site preferred technician - Site custom field - Standard price pre build catalog - Storage device stock item - Task assignee - Task custom field value - Vendor contact - Vendor custom field - Asset test result reading